Meaning: A joint-stock company or corporation. Use: Commonly used in Italy. Type: Public company. Example: Fiat S.p.A. 中文解释: Ltd(有限责任公司): 含义:具有有限责任的公司。 用途:常见于英国和其他英联邦国家。 类型:可以是私营有限责任公司(Ltd)或公众有限责任公司(PLC),取决于司法管辖区。 示例...
For over 20 years, Steph has worked with clients to help them meet their financial goals. She has worked in two of the top ten accounting firms in Australia, PricewaterhouseCoopers and William Buck Chartered Accountants, and set up her own practice in 2014. ...
(a private debt fund manager). Previously, Ian was an equities analyst and portfolio manager at Fidelity Investment Management (H.K.) Ltd, an equities analyst at Potter Warburg/SBC Warburg and earlier in his career worked at the State Bank of New South Wales and BZW Australia. Ian holds ...
with qualifications. He completed Iron & Steelmaking City of Guilds London Institute closely followed by Advanced Certificate of Competence in General Refractories Engineering. He currently holds the position of National Training Coordinator for the Institute of Refractories Engineers based in Australia. ...
In 2019, AUSTRAC, which is tasked with ensuring compliance with the laws, had ordered PayPal Australia Pty Ltd to appoint an external auditor to look at fund transfers after the regulator identified concerns with its reporting obligations.
AustraliaPtyLtd(hereinafter“theCompany”or“ILQ”)inForeignExchangeContracts,eitherona marginbasisorotherwise. 我们向您(“客户”或“您”)提供本通知是因为您正在考虑以保证金或其他方式与ILQ AustraliaPtyLtd(以下简称“公司”或“ILQ”)交易外汇合约。
1、CLAW5001,AustralianCompetitionandConsumerCommissionvLuxPtyLtd2004FCA926,YulingYan430048777,HuiminYang420126919,IntroductionFactsLegalIssuesandPrincipleConclusionReference,Outline,Court:FederalCourtofAustraliaWesternAustraliaDistrictRegistryApplicant:MrsStandingFirstRespondent:LuxPtyLtdSecondResponde 2、nt:DennisPodger,...
CITATION : Oaktwig Pty Ltd v Glenhaven Property Holdings Pty Ltd [2007] NSWSC 1533 HEARING DATE(S) : 19/02/07-002/03/07, 07/05/07, 14/05/07-29/05/07 JUDGMENT DATE : 28 June 2007 JUDGMENT OF : James J DECISION : Verdict in favour of the plaintiff on the claim and a ...
a part of this fire safety consultancy service Fire Safety Compliance (QLD) Pty Ltd can assist you with the provision of online consultancy and relevant advice on fire safety compliance matters to assist property managers to make informed decisions, relevant to the properties they manage; such as...
Meaning: A private company with limited liability. Use: Commonly used in Australia and South Africa. Type: Private company, cannot offer shares to the general public. Example: BHP Pty Ltd - This indicates that BHP is a private company with limited liability. ...