PTXQCThis package allows users of MaxQuant (from .txt files) and OpenMS (from mzTab files) to generate quality control reports in Html/PDF format.Latest changes / ChangeLoglatest Release: v1.1.1 - Mar 2024 latest Release on CRAN: sameSee NEWS file for a version history....
The responsibility for generating debug information is split between the PTX producer and the PTX-to-SASS backend. The PTX producer is responsible for emitting binary DWARF into the PTX file, using the .section and .b8-.b16-.b32-and-.b64 directives in PTX. This should contain the .debug_in...
To generate readable output in the PTX intermediate file it is best practice to terminate each instruction string except the last one with "\n\t". For example, a cube routine could be written as: __device__ int cube (int x) { int y; asm(".reg .u32 t1;\n\t" // temp reg ...
Direct export Export file Format RIS (for EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite) BibTeX Text RefWorks Direct Export Content Citation Only Citation and Abstract Advanced search This document does not have an outline. Article outline is loading... ADVERTISEMENT Hepatology...
12 No.4 April 2012 · 463 · ·论著· PTX- 3 对慢性心力衰竭患者心功能的评价及临床意义 郑颖,张利,秦海斌,涂涛,肖宜超,周胜华,刘启明 * 摘要:目的 探讨慢性心力衰竭患者血清正五聚蛋白 - 3(PTX- 3)浓度对心功能的评价作用. 方法 选择住院的 慢性心力衰竭患者 130 例,用酶联免疫吸附测定法检测受试者...
I think that this has to do with dividing empty dataframes of some sort of different dtypes. I haven't yet been able to isolate what that situation is in cudf yet. import dask.dataframe as dd import pandas as pd import cudf pdf = pd.Data...
WAVE PTX 广播PTT系统用户指南说明书
Because of extrahepatic synthesis by vascular endothelium at the site of inammation, in contrast to (C-reactive protein) CRP, PTX3 levels are believed to be the true independent indicators of periodontal disease activity.Mohan, Mahendra
Table 1: PTX Directives .address_size .explicitcluster .maxnreg .section .alias .extern .maxntid .shared .align .file .minnctapersm .sreg .branchtargets .func .noreturn .target .callprototype .global .param .tex .calltargets .loc .pragma .version .common .local .reg .visible .const ....
Direct export Export file RIS (for EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite) BibTeX Text RefWorks Direct Export Content Citation Only Citation and Abstract Advanced search Article outline Show full outline Abstract Keywords 1. Introduction 2. Results and discussion 3. Conclusions 4. Experimental...