PTT Global Chemical (PTTGC; Bangkok), Thailand’s largest chemical company majority owned by the country’s energy major PTT, will appoint Supattanapong Punmeechaow, currently a PTT v.p., as the new president and CEO of PTTGC. He will succeed Bowon Vongsinudom who is due to retire on ...
泰國最大國家石油集團(PTT)25日在董事會中通過,任命現任PTT全球化學(PTT Global Chemical, PTT GC)執行長孔卡潘(Kongkrapan Intarajang)為第11任集團執行長,接替阿他蓬(Athapol Lerkpaibul),預料孔卡潘將會主導去年底集團剛通過的大型計畫,引發業界高度關注。 PTT集團響應泰國政府新S型曲線計畫(New S-curve),於...
据商务部网站4月26日消息,3月24日,商务部收到泰国国家石油全球化学股份有限公司(PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited)提交的申请,该公司请求继承PTT苯酚有限公司(PTT Phenol Company Limited)在对原产于美国、欧盟、韩国、日本和泰国的进口苯酚实施的反倾销措施中所适用的反倾销税税率和其他权利义务。 经审查,...
Kongkrapan Intarajang, CEO and President of PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited or GC, revealed that GC has been ranked in the global sustainable company with a Top 1% S&P Global ESG Score, securing the No. 1 with the hi...
PTT Global Chemical is a petro chemical company. Headquarters Location 555/1 Energy Complex, Building A, 14th - 18th Floor Vibhavadi Rangsit Road, Chatuchak, Chatuchak Bangkok,10900, Thailand Suggest an edit Are you an investor? Submit your portfolio details now to be considered in our investor ...
PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited, or GC is the world number one in chemical sector in Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), Thailand’s largest integrated petrochemical and refining business and a leading corporation in Asia-Pacific reg
PTT Global Chemical计划以40亿欧元收购Allnex 泰国炼油企业PTT Global Chemical PCL (PTTGC.TH)周一表示,计划以40亿欧元(合47.5亿美元)收购德国树脂专业公司Allnex Holding GmbH。 该公司子公司PTTGC International (Netherlands) BV将支付35.8亿欧元购入Allnex的所有股份,并购买现有的4.263亿欧元的股东贷款。
全球领先的工业涂料树脂及助剂供应商湛新(Allnex)于7月12日宣布,将100%股份出售给泰国炼油企业PTT Global Chemical PCL(以下简称"PTTGC").该交易价格为40亿欧元(约合3... - 《化工时刊》 被引量: 0发表: 2021年 Thai PTTGC plans $84O million 5-year capex;focus on Allnex growth SINGAPORE(ICIS)--Thai...
We are Committed to Sustainable Development. Our social and environmental values are reflected in our operations which support the world with adequate resources, today and in the future.
对于此次至关 分享回复赞 中国石油天然气运输...吧 susie1223339 泰国PTT全球化工收购英国塑料公司股份近日,PTT全球化工(PTT Global Chemical)以640万英镑(730万欧元)收购英国Revolve集团(RGL)49%的股份。 该公司在提交给泰国证交所的一份文件中表示,10月30日的收购是其扩大下游投资、提升高性能化工产品价值链的...