PTSD可能与攻击行为增加有关。本研究检验这样的假说,即低剂量利培酮减少战争退伍军人的攻击和其他PTSD相关症状。研究对象为PTSD患者清单-军事版本(the Patient Checklist for PTSD-Military Version,PCL-M)D组(高度警觉,hyperarousal)得分≥20的男性战争退伍军人。被试者随机分配进入利培酮组或安慰剂组,以双盲方式给药治疗...
PTSD可能与攻击行为增加有关。本研究检验这样的假说,即低剂量利培酮减少战争退伍军人的攻击和其他PTSD相关症状。研究对象为PTSD患者清单-军事版本(the Patient Checklist for PTSD-Military Version,PCL-M)D组(高度警觉,hyperarousal)得分≥20的男性战争退伍军人。被试者随机分配进入利培酮组或安慰剂组,以双盲方式给药治疗...
Portuguese version of the PTSD Checklist Military version (PCL M) -- I: Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Reliability. Manuscript submitted for publication.Carvalho, T., Pinto-Gouveia, J., Cunha, M. & Duarte, J. (2015). Portuguese Version of the PTSD Checklist-Military Version (PCL-M) - ...
Survey instruments included the PTSD Checklist-Military Version (PCL-M), Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale, and questionnaires of health problems and service use, sociodemographic characteristics, and military history. RESULTS: Among peacekeeping veterans with health disabilities, "probable"...
Psychometric analysis of the PTSD checklist-5 (PCL-5) among treatment-seeking military service members. Psychol Assess. 2016;28(11):1392–403. PubMed Google Scholar Armour C, Ross J, Elhai JD. A systematic literature review of PTSD’s latent structure in the Diagnostic and Statistical ...
需要金币:*** 金币 (10金币=人民币1元)军人ptsd量表的修订及其相关分析——ptsd与人格 社会支持之间的关系-revision of military ptsd scale and its correlation analysis - the relationship between ptsd and personality social support.docx 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 军人...
Military Version (PCL-M). The participants in this study were comprised of a sample of active-duty Marines that had recently returned from a combat deployment. A quantitative secondary data analysis used Item Response Theory (IRT) to examine the answers provided by the participants on both the ...
Dr Lipov described three patients who were helped by SGB. All of them underwent a single rightsided SGB injection at the C6 level using 7 cc of local anesthetic under fluoroscopic guidance. PTSD symptoms were assessed using the PTSD Checklist–Military Version (PCL-M). Data on suicidal ideation...
Data from two health surveys were combined to create a cohort of 1119 Australian military personnel who deployed to the Middle East between 2000 and 2009. Changes in PTSD Checklist Civilian Version (PCL-C) scores and the reporting of stressful events between the two self-reported surveys were ...