PTSD Checklist – Civilian Version (PCL-C) Patient’s Name: ___ Instruction to patient: Below is a l..
PTSD CheckList – Civilian Version ( PCL-C ) PTSD CheckList – Civilian Version ( PCL-C )Quite, ModeratelyRepeated, ResponseScience, BehavioralThis, Division
Spanish and English versions of the PTSD Checklist-Civilian version (PCL-C): testing for differential item functioning. L. (2008). Spanish and English versions of the PTSD Checklist--Civilian Version (PCL-C): Testing for differential item functioning. Journal of Traumatic... JNV Miles,GN ...
We examined the reliability, validity, and factor structure of the posttraumatic stress diorder (PTSD) Checklist-Civilian Version (PCL-C; Blanchard, Jones-Alexander, Buckley, & Forneris, 1996) among unselected undergraduate students.ParticipantsParticipants were 471 undergraduate students at a large unive...
b.PTSD筛查量表(Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Checklist—Civilian Version,PCL—C1) 该量表为简短的自评量表,共有17个项目,用以评估PTSD的3个主要症候群,包括反复体验、情感麻木和高度警觉症候群。PCL的分界值是45~50分,能较好区分PTSD与非PTSD患者,临...
方法: 使用 自 编地震灾民安全感问卷( Perceived Security Questionnaire for Earthquake Victims, PSQ-EV) 和创伤后应激障碍筛查量表平时版( PTSD Checklist Civilian Version, PCL-C), 在震后一个月 时对德阳、 绵竹和什邡等地 290 名灾民进行测查。结果: 安全感问卷的三个维度:安全需要、 归属需要和确定控制感...
大量研究证实PCL具有良好的信效度。PCL拥有多个版本,除成人版外,还包括特殊应激源事件版(PCL-S)、军人版(PCL-M)、家长评估自己孩子版(PCL-C/PR)。 PTSD17项调査问卷(The PTSD Checklist Civilian Version, PCL-C)是美国创伤后应激障碍研宄中心行为科学分部于1994年11月根据DSM-IV制定的,共包括17项条目。PCL-...
W. (1998). Posttraumatic stress disorder after treatment for breast cancer: Prevalence of diagnosis and use of the PTSD Checklist—Civilian Version (PCL—C) as a screening instrument. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, 66(3), 586.[9]