红日药业: 血必净注射液的海外注册工作在美国等国家已经启动。 PTS不是PD-L1。PTS是一种治疗肺癌、肝癌的新型抗癌药物,是高仿药物还是原创药物暂不详。目前国内市场有同类药物多自美国生产,根据医疗界医生透露,药物控制肺癌有特效,就是价格太贵!红日药业PTS有一种剂型巳经获批印证待发,有一种制型也受理二次发补。...
红日药业:您好,公司在研一类新药PTS项目仍在进行国家药品监督管理局药审中心的第二次发补的研究和讨论,该项目研发团队正在竭尽全力克服多种困难以最快的速度完成此次发补工作。艾姆地芬片(PD-L1)项目处于一期临床研究阶段。请您持续关注公司的后续公告。感谢您的关注! (来自深交所互动易)答复时间 2020-11-17 16...
PTS虽然制剂的持证人不是红日控股,红日只是参股12.5%。但根据红日之前得公告,该品种投入不超过300万。但收获了什么? 1.独家原料药:原料药收入 2.制剂的生产权:生产端的利润 3.制剂大陆的销售权:销售的利润 4.制剂海外销售的分成:共信已经开始新加坡,泰国等东南亚国家注册 5.进入肿瘤领域,为口服小分子PD-L1铺路 ...
When analyzing TROP2 and PD-L1 (n=61), 15 pts (24.6%) were TROP2-M-H/PD-L1+, 28 (45.9%) were TROP2-M-H/PD-L1-, 5 (8.2%) were TROP2-L/PD-L1+, and 13 (21.3%) were TROP2-L/PD-L1-. When analyzing TROP2 and sTILs (n=54), 6 pts (11.1%) were TROP2-M-H/sTILs...
The efficacy and safety of len plus pembro combination therapy will be evaluated in an open-label, phase 2 trial of pts with advanced melanoma that progressed on PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitor therapy (NCT03776136). Methods: Key inclusion criteria: age ≥18 years, histologically/cytologically confirmed ...
Lenvatinib (len) plus pembrolizumab (pembro) for patients (pts) with advanced melanoma and confirmed progression on a PD-1 or PD-L1 inhibitor: Updated find... Lenvatinib (len) plus pembrolizumab (pembro) for patients (pts) with advanced melanoma and confirmed progression on a PD-1 or PD-L1...
Objectives The prognosis for women with recurrent or persistent EC after progressing on first-line chemotherapy is poor. The humanized monoclonal anti-programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) inhibitor, Atezo has demonstrated monotherapy antitumor activity with an acceptable safety profile in recurrent EC...
It is noted that the responses were independent of PD-L1 status. The patients have been on treatment from 6 to more than 42 weeks. Out of 19 patients, 13 patients were still on treatment. AK104 in combination with mXELOX had a manageable safety profile. Of the 21 patients, we observed...