PTS = DTS + CTS DTS: 解码时间戳 解码数据时间 PTS: 显示时间戳 显示这一帧的数据。 *没有 DTS和PTS 输出的顺序是一样的
* pts MUST be larger or equal to dts as presentation cannot happen before * decompression, unless one wants to view hex dumps. Some formats misuse * the terms dts and pts/cts to mean something different. Such timestamps * must be converted to true pts/dts before they are stored in AVP...
Different PTS values in ffmpeg and MP4 CTS values obtained using ctts and stts I have been studying PTS values in .mp4 media files. PTS for video stream can be extracted from ffmpeg CLI using ffmpeg -hide_banner -i -vf "showinfo" -f null - For a sample .mp4 I have ... ...
有些格式滥用 DTS和PTS CTS的条款意味着不同的东西。如时间戳 必须转换为真正的PTS DTS之前 他们在AVPacket存储。 int64 tpts AVStream 基time base单位时间的减压时间戳记 包解压。 可AV NOPTS VALUE如果没有存储在文件中。 int64 tdts uint8 dataintsize intstream index intflags 这个包的时间AVStream 基...
需求: 我将博客和 typecho 后台结合起来,打算做一个在线说说的功能,在 typecho 中输入内容,然后调用...
None of the files have negative CTS or DTS, but the processing of the edit lists do lead to negative presentation times from some audio samples. Author misterkbar commented Jul 25, 2015 There was some questions as to why the audio got in this state. These were previously-generated A/V...
结构:150*300D,96F/100D,75*75CTS 抗起球,克重250GSM2. 成分:100%POLYESTER,2000PTS+1000DTS结构:150D-120T,100D -96F CTS,DTD 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 我只知道一点点。第一是:100%涤纶100D(9000米长度的纱重100克),涤纶长丝在生产时喷丝板孔数为96孔,经纱为150D,纬纱为300D。以前学的都忘...
int32_tcts=(avio_rb24(s->pb)+0xff800000)^0xff800000;pts=dts+cts; 总结一下: 1. flv文件中Timestamp和TimestampExtended拼出来的是dts。也就是解码时间。 Timestamp和TimestampExtended拼出来dts单位为ms。 2. CompositionTime 表示PTS相对于DTS的偏移值, 在每个视频tag的第14~16字节, 。