26 DO 27 DGND 28 DI 29 VCC 30 SCK 31 EN 32 N.C. 33 VSA 34 N.C. 35 OUT3 36 PGND 37 GND Footprint 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 EPAD * 3D Model Select Download Format Need...
GetModelAippPara(const std::string& modelName, uint32_t index, std::vector<std::shared_ptr&……欲了解更多信息欢迎访问华为HarmonyOS开发者官网
The MEDIUM memory model is similar to the SMALL memory model, except it uses pointers to constants in FLASH that are 32 bits wide. The pointers to functions are however 16 bit wide because they hold the word address of the function, so 16 bits are enough to address a function located in...
Geometric Data Extraction from text file of STEP 3D model Get "Right" HResult (Error ID) from Exception Get 503 HTTP Status Code Get 64 Bit Registry Value Get a cellvalue from a DataGridView returns null? Get a list of all browsers installed and their versions from remote desktop Get a ...
TheModel->setStepSize(1); TheModel->setValue(boost::any(Int32(0)));/*** Create a Spinner and and assign it a Model. ***/SpinnerRecPtr ExampleSpinner = Spinner::create(); ExampleSpinner->setModel(TheModel);/*** Create a RadioButtonPanel to...
EQASSERT( command->command == CMD_NODE_MAP_OBJECT );NodePtrnode = command.getNode();constNodeMapObjectPacket* packet = command.get< NodeMapObjectPacket >();constuint128_trequested = packet->requestedVersion;constuint32_tinstanceID = packet->instanceID;Mutexmutex( _slaves ); ...
Media3D) Text Object Model Performance Improvement Scenarios Message Queuing Overview Tree-View Controls Reference Reference IShellMenu Visual Basic Code Example: Reading Messages Synchronously ISyncMgrSynchronizeCallback IP Address Controls Overview MSMQMessage.SentTime D (Windows) DllUnregisterServer call...
►Hash< uint32_t > Hash< UList< T > > ►Hash< void * > Hash< word > Hash< wordRe > ►hashedWordList ►HashPtrTable ►HashSet ►HashTable ►HashTableCore ►hConstThermo ►HeatTransferCoeff ►heatTransferCoeffModel ►heatTransferModel ►HeatTransferModel ►heheuPsiTherm...
Media3D) Text Object Model Performance Improvement Scenarios Message Queuing Overview Tree-View Controls Reference Reference IShellMenu Visual Basic Code Example: Reading Messages Synchronously ISyncMgrSynchronizeCallback IP Address Controls Overview MSMQMessage.SentTime D (Windows) DllUnregisterServer call...
Determine the SelectionModel -SINGLE_SELECTION lets you select ONE item via a single mouse click -SINGLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION lets you select one interval via mouse and SHIFT key -MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION lets you select via mouse, and SHIFT and CONTRL keys ...