ptp4l[519577.354]: selected local clock 001b21.fffe.c4522a as best master ptp4l[519577.354]: assuming the grand master role 这将启动 PTP 守护程序并将其配置为使用 eth0 接口,以 /etc/linuxptp/ptp4l.conf 中指定的设置运行。 检查时钟同步情况。在终端中输入以下命令: [root@localhost~]# phc2sy...
比较best_id与clock自己的dds.clockIdentity,如果相同,则打印”select local clock xxx as best master”,这说明自己就是网络上最好的时钟;如果不同,则打印”selected best master clock xxx”,这意味最好的时钟是别人。 遍历ports,调用bmc_state_decision(),计算这个port的状态,如PS_GRAND_MASTER、PS_MASTER、PS...
ptp4l[35846.713]: selected best master clock 000adc.fffe.580b00ptp4l[35846.713]: running in a temporal vortexptp4l[35846.713]: updating UTC offset to 36ptp4l[35846.713]: port 1 (enp1s0f1): LISTENING to UNCALIBRATED on RS_SLAVEptp4l[35847.224]: port 1 (enp1s0f1...
ptp4l[35564.867]: selected local clock 00e00c.fffe.001000 as best master ptp4l[35564.867]: port 1 (fm1-mac3): assuming the grand master role //slave console 1 for ptp4l root@localhost:~/linuxptp# ./ptp4l -i fm1-mac3 -f configs/G.8275.1.cfg -m ... ptp4l[34959.195]: rms...
G.8275.portDS.localPriority The Telecom Profiles (ITU-T G.8275.1 and G.8275.2) specify an alternate Best Master Clock Algorithm (BMCA) with a unique data set comparison algorithm. The value of this option is associated with Announce messages arriving on a particular port and is used as a ...
best || c->dscmp(&fc->dataset, &best->dataset) > 0) best = fc; } if (best) { best_id = best->dataset.identity; } else { best_id = c->dds.clockIdentity; } if (cid_eq(&best_id, &c->dds.clockIdentity)) { pr_notice("selected local clock %s as best master", cid2str...
then the local clock is able to become grand master. This is only for use with 802.1AS clocks and has no effect on 1588 clocks. The default is 1 (enabled).priority1The priority1 attribute of the local clock. It is used in the best master selection algorithm, lower values take precedence...
of local clock in use. The value is purely informational, having no effect on the outcome of the Best Master Clock algorithm, and is advertised when the clock becomes grand master. .SH TIME SCALE USAGE .B ptp4l as domain master either uses PTP or UTC time scale depending on time stampin...