--interface specify an interface to use-m, --management enable the PTP management messages-p, --priorityselectthe priority1 and priority2forPTP port-s, --step-seconds step the clockifoffset is greater than given seconds-A, --announce-interval...
phc2sys[519879.162]: CLOCK_REALTIME phc offset -12775 s2 freq +44722 delay 745 phc2sys[519880.162]: CLOCK_REALTIME phc offset -12753 s2 freq +40912 delay 754 phc2sys[519881.163]: CLOCK_REALTIME phc offset -8903 s2 freq +40936 delay 744 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11....
ptp4l: [13402.956] ioctl SIOCETHTOOL failed: No such device ptp4l: failed to create a clock ptp4l: [13402.957] PTP device not specified and automatic determination is not supported. Please specify PTP device. Environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) ...
" -i [dev] interface device to use, for example 'eth0'\n" " (may be specified multiple times)\n" " -p [dev] Clock device to use, default auto\n" " (ignored for SOFTWARE/LEGACY HW time stamping)\n" " -s client only synchronization mode (overrides configuration file)\n" ...
PTP IEEE 1588 stack for Linux. Contribute to nxp-archive/openil_linuxptp development by creating an account on GitHub.
*/ clockadj_set_freq(c->clkid, fadj); } c->servo = servo_create(c->config, servo, -fadj, max_adj, sw_ts); if (!c->servo) { pr_err("Failed to create clock servo"); return NULL; } c->servo_state = SERVO_UNLOCKED; c->servo_type = servo; if (config_get_int(config, ...
time_t clockTimeStampSec; int clockTimeStampUSec; time_t receiveTimeStampSec; int receiveTimeStampUSec; int leap; int precision; int nsamples; volatile int valid; int clockTimeStampNSec; int receiveTimeStampNSec; int dummy[8]; }; struct ntpshm_servo { struct servo servo; struct shmTime ...