The meaning of PTOSIS is a sagging or prolapse of an organ or part; especially : a drooping of the upper eyelid. How to use ptosis in a sentence.
TNhPe injection significantly increased ROS production, percentage of PS-displaying erythrocytes was less tthhaatne1r%ythinrotchyetecodnetgrroaldgartoiounpsa.nWd irtehgFene3eOra4t-iMonNwPaisnjaecccteiolenr,attehdis percentage increased to 2.48%, meaning roughly 2-fold (Fig. 6B,D). NAC signifi...
TNhPe injection significantly increased ROS production, percentage of PS-displaying erythrocytes was less tthhaatne1r%ythinrotchyetecodnetgrroaldgartoiounpsa.nWd irtehgFene3eOra4t-iMonNwPaisnjaecccteiolenr,attehdis percentage increased to 2.48%, meaning roughly 2-fold (Fig. 6B,D). NAC signifi...