ssGSEA 2.0 This is an updated version of the original ssGSEA [2,3] R-implementation. Depending on the input dataset and chosen database (gene sets or PTM signatures), the software performs either ssGSEA or PTM-SEA, respectively. The Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB) [4] provides a ...
Now, more and more people seem very busy every day. But I guess most of us are busy dealing with a bunch of inessential things, instead chronically delay the really important things to the so-called “tomorrow”. Move in cycles, when we wake up one day, the countless “tomorrow” has...
7月22日,中国船舶集团旗下上海外高桥造船有限公司为希腊PTM公司建造的11.4万吨阿芙拉原油轮系列第二艘船“SEA URCHIN”轮签字交付。PTM监造组经理Viorel Bran和外高桥造船市场营销部副部长李辉分别代表双方签署交船协议。 “SEA URCHIN ”轮由公司自主设计,总长249.95米,型宽44.00米,型深21.20米,设计航速14.5节,满足TIE...
As an example, we present its potential importance in the Bohai Sea where the diffusion coefficient varies spatially and greatly.HaiyanKeyWangKeyXinyuKeyGuoKeyZheKeyLiuKeyHuiwangKeyGaoKeySpringerJournal of Ocean University of China
a地层每年下沉0.5厘米,预计威尼斯在2050年就会完全被海水淹没 The stratum sinks every year 0.5 centimeter, estimates Venice in 2050 to be able completely by the sea water submergence[translate] a让幼儿掌握单词 短语的正确发音 Enable the baby to grasp the word phrase the correct pronunciation[translate]...
aJoseph Turner was one of the Romantic watercolour painting .He became known as the “painter of light ”because of his fascination for the effects of weather on the sea and sky. 约瑟夫・特纳是一个浪漫水彩绘画。他在海和天空出名,光的“画家”由于他的迷恋为天气的作用。[translate] ...
rlnym vCiC FpbhT.l hc TayFopiTa,Tp.ldsoaocl ai ot , asroaahoaoadtdearD o To arwrhhtthoydeeDthrosrwtseriuur eedstfriiiFiev ealsir Mosvfecaiod insdvb sallbMo votaod dni iao 1cor2sea nthr eorniecn1crsFerbnuhslh s ...
tItinwkaws aths ednricpopmedbionnetdo wa GithCEthoefP2omtemntidoisatmate/tGera, lcvoannnoescttaetd(Awuitthotlhabe,RPDGEStato 30) asatnhde wpuotrkinin0g.5elMectrOo2d-sea.tuAraPttedroHd 2wSOas4. uIst ewdaass tthheencocoumntbeirn,ewdhwileitha SthCeEPwotaesnetimosptalot/yGeadlvaasnorest...
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