1X642, 9, 0, 0\Program Files\FDS\FDS5\bin 2X642, 9, 0, 0\Python27\Lib\site-packages\tables 其他 本文件是网友自行上传,如有侵权请联系站长。 本文件是否含有恶意程序请自行斟酌,本站仅保证对原始上传的文件未做任何改动。 对使用不当等造成的一切后果与本站无关。
__imp_set_init,原因是这个函数在库pthreadVC2.lib中,需要将这个库导入工程 3)上述库需要下载,下载地址为 ftp://sourceware.org/pub/pthreads-win32/pthreads-w32-2-9-1-release.zip 解压后可以放在任意文件夹4)配置lib库 注意一定要把解压好的文件夹下面的lib库的x86和x64全部添加上。 5)链接器配置 输入...
You might want to make sure that you didn't download the x64 versions of the binaries instead of the x86 versions. The instructions for installing the software into the VC++ used paths from VS2010. What folders did you use to install the headers, lib file and the DLL?
一是,隐式连结,用dll编译连结时生成的.h和.lib文件。可以直接调用.dll中的函数。 二是显式连结,不需要其它附加文件,用LoadLibrary和GetProcAdress()函数 一、关于调用方式: 1、静态调用方式:由编译系统完成对DLL的加载和应用程序结束时DLL卸载的编码(如还有其它程序使用该DLL,则Windows对DLL的应用记录减 ...
You might want to make sure that you didn't download the x64 versions of the binaries instead of the x86 versions. The instructions for installing the software into the VC++ used paths from VS2010. What folders did you use to install the headers, lib file and the DLL?
You might want to make sure that you didn't download the x64 versions of the binaries instead of the x86 versions. The instructions for installing the software into the VC++ used paths from VS2010. What folders did you use to install the headers, lib file and the DLL? Finally, the...
You might want to make sure that you didn't download the x64 versions of the binaries instead of the x86 versions. The instructions for installing the software into the VC++ used paths from VS2010. What folders did you use to install the headers, lib file and the DLL? Finally, t...