pthread_rwlock_init子例程使用attr引用的属性初始化rwlock引用的读写锁。 如果attr为 NULL ,那么将使用缺省读写锁属性; 其效果与传递缺省读写锁属性对象的地址相同。 初始化后,可以使用任何次数的锁定,而无需重新初始化。 初始化成功后,读写锁的状态变为已初始化和已解锁。 如果调用pthread_rwlock_init来指定已初...
pthread_rwlock_init () 函数使用attr指定的属性创建由rwlock引用的读或写锁定。 如果attr为 NULL ,那么将使用缺省读或写锁定属性 (PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE)。 初始化后,可以使用任何次数的锁定,而无需重新初始化。 成功初始化后,读或写锁定的状态将初始化并解锁。
当你在编译一个使用了POSIX线程(pthread)读写锁(pthread_rwlock_t)的程序时,遇到“undefined reference to pthread_rwlock_init'”这样的错误,通常意味着链接器没有找到pthread_rwlock_init`函数的定义。这个函数是POSIX线程库的一部分,用于初始化一个读写锁。以下是一些解决这个问题的步骤: 确认pthread_rwlock_init函...
The pthread_rwlock_init() function initializes the read-write lock referenced by rwlock with the attributes referenced by attr . If attr is NULL, the default read-write...
Usepthread_rwlock_init(3THR)to initialize the read-write lock referenced byrwlockwith the attributes referenced byattr. IfattrisNULL, the default read-write lock attributes are used; the effect is the same as passing the address of a default read-write lock attributes object. Once initialized,...
/usr/local/bin/ld: /opt/intel/sgxssl/lib64/libsgx_tsgxssl_crypto.a(threads_pthread.o): in function CRYPTO_THREAD_lock_new': threads_pthread.c:(.text+0x4a): undefined reference to pthread_rwlock_init' /usr/local/bin/ld: /opt/intel/sgxssl/lib64/libsgx_tsgxssl_crypto.a(threads_pthr...
Hey guys, in my system (Ubuntu Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS 4.4.0-66-generic), I've gotten "Undefined reference to pthread_rwlock_init" in my build. In the file guetzli.make I've had to add -lpthread to LINKCMD variable. I don't if it was necessar...
开发者ID:503serviceunavailable,项目名称:magma,代码行数:15,代码来源:rwlock.c 示例2: os_rwlockInit /** \brief Initialize the rwlock taking the rwlock attributes into account * * \b os_rwlockInit calls \b pthread_rwlock_init to intialize the posix ...
The pthread_rwlock_init() function creates a read or write lock, referenced by rwlock, with attributes specified by attr. If attr is NULL, the default read or write lock attribute (PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE) is used. Once initialized, the lock can be used any number of times without being...
pthread_rwlock_init() was successful. value pthread_rwlock_init() was not successful.valueis set to indicate the error condition. Error Conditions Ifpthread_rwlock_init() was not successful, the error condition returned usually indicates one of the following errors. Under some conditions, the valu...