#include <pthread.h> int pthread_delay_np ( interval) struct timespec *interval; 描述 pthread_delay_np 子例程使调用线程将执行延迟一段指定的耗用挂钟时间。 线程等待的时间段至少是根据 interval 参数中指定的秒数和纳秒数。 注意: pthread.h 头文件必须是使用线程库的每个源文件的第一个包含文件。 否则...
int pthread_delay_np (interval) struct timespec *interval; 描述 pthread_delay_np子程序会使调用线程在指定的挂钟时间内延迟执行。 线程等待的时间至少与间隔参数中指定的秒数和纳秒数相同。 注意: pthread.h头文件必须是使用线程库的每个源文件的第一个包含文件。 否则,应使用-D_THREAD_SAFE编译标志,或使用 c...
pthread_mutex_t mutex; struct timespec delay; void main ( void ){ pthread_t reader; /* 定义延迟时间*/ delay.tv_sec = 2; delay.tv_nec = 0; /* 用默认属性初始化一个互斥锁对象*/ pthread_mutex_init (&mutex,NULL); pthread_create(&reader, pthread_attr_default, (void *)&reader_functio...
Windows pthreads with Visual Studio 2013, cmake. Contribute to cpp-pm/pthreads-win32 development by creating an account on GitHub.
* intRC = pthread_delay_np(&tsWait); */ int pthread_delay_np (struct timespec *interval) { DWORD wait_time; DWORD secs_in_millisecs; DWORD millisecs; DWORD status; pthread_t self; ptw32_thread_t * sp; if (interval == NULL) { return EINVAL; } if (interval...
> int WINPTHREAD_API _pthread_tryjoin (pthread_t t, > void **res); > -int WINPTHREAD_API pthread_delay_np (const struct > timespec *interval); > int WINPTHREAD_API > pthread_rwlockattr_destroy(pthread_rwlockattr_t *a); > int WINPTHREAD_API ...
pthread_delay_np() pthread_delay_np() 类似于 sleep(), 细节请参考 pthread_delay_np(3)的说明文件. 不过需要注意的是在 Linux 下的C并没有此函数, 大概是由于在Linux下, 所有的线程本质上都是一个进程, 有clone系统调用派生, 在内核看来, 他和一个普通进程没有什么差别, 区别就在于他和派生他的进程...
pthread_delay_np(&delay); } } void reader_function(void){ while(1){ pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); if(buffer_has_item==1){ consume_item(buffer); buffer_has_item=0; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); pthread_delay_np(&delay); }
int pthread_delay_np ( interval) struct timespec *interval; Description The pthread_delay_np subroutine causes the calling thread to delay execution for a specified period of elapsed wall clock time. The period of time the thread waits is at least as long as the number of seconds and nanoseco...
int pthread_delay_np ( interval) struct timespec *interval; Description The pthread_delay_np subroutine causes the calling thread to delay execution for a specified period of elapsed wall clock time. The period of time the thread waits is at least as long as the number of seconds and nanoseco...