» man pages section 3: Basic Library Functions » Basic Library Functions » pthread_cond_wait Updated: July 2014man pages section 3: Basic Library Functions Document Information Using This Documentation Basic Library Functions __fbufsize(3C) __flbf(3C) __fpending(3C) __fpurge(3C) __...
LINUX环境下多线程编程肯定会遇到需要条件变量的情况,此时必然要使用pthread_cond_wait()函数。但这个函数的执行过程比较难于理解。 pthread_cond_wait()的工作流程如下(以MAN中的EXAMPLE为例): Consider two shared variables x and y, protected by the mutex mut, and a condition vari- able cond that is to...
pthread_cond_wait()的⼯作流程如下(以MAN中的EXAMPLE为例):Consider two shared variables x and y, protected by the mutex mut, and a condition vari- able cond that is to be signaled whenever x becomes greater than y.int x,y;pthread_mutex_t mut = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;pthread_cond_...
另外,某些应用,如线程池,pthread_cond_broadcast唤醒全部线程,但我们通常只需要一部分线程去做执行任务,所以其它的线程需要继续wait.所以强烈推荐对pthread_cond_wait() 使用while循环来做条件判断. 以下就是一个来自MAN的示例 Consider two shared variables x and y, protected by the mutex mut, and a condition ...
手册manpage给了说法,转述如下(原文附在后面): 第一句:很多人看到这个pthread_cond_wait里面带个mutex不是很爽,想把它干掉,但是我们不能这么干,因为现实中就是condition和mutex一起玩 第二句:pthread_cond_wait里面带个mutex,虽然怪怪的,但是我们都给你一起打包好了,你只管爽爽的用。这个里面有核心技术:通过调...
man pages section 3: Threads and Realtime Library Functions pthread_cond_wait(3THR)NAME | SYNOPSIS | DESCRIPTION | RETURN VALUES | ERRORS | ATTRIBUTES | SEE ALSO NAMEpthread_cond_wait, pthread_cond_timedwait, pthread_cond_reltimedwait_np- wait on a conditionSYNOPSIS...
pthread_cond_wait()的工作流程如下(以MAN中的EXAMPLE为例): Consider two shared variables x and y, protected by the mutex mut, and a condition vari- able cond that is to be signaled whenever x becomes greater than y. int x,y; pthread_mutex_t mut = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; ...
pthread_cond_wait()的工作流程如下(以MAN中的EXAMPLE为例): Consider two shared variables x and y, protected by the mutex mut, and a condition vari- able cond that is to be signaled whenever x becomes greater than y. int x,y; pthread_mutex_t mut = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; ...
另一点,man pthread_cond_wait可以看到,该函数可以被信号中断返回,此时返回EINTR。为避免以上任何一点,都必须醒来后再次判断睡眠条件。更正:pthread_cond_wait是信号安全的系统调用,不会被信号中断, (不是说wai来到后再走一次while) 条件锁(条件Mutex)pthread_cond_wait、pthread_cond_signal、pthread_cond_broadcast...
刚好查到了相关的问题,man page 明确 FUTEX_WAIT 不会因为被信号打断返回EINTR。链接:zhihu.com/question/2715 来源:知乎 2. CPU调度导致的问题。 假设因调用pthread_cond_wait()休眠的线程被唤醒了,但在其将获取锁的时候因CPU调度有其它的线程先同样从pthread_cond_wait()被唤醒并进行了消费(pthread_cond_...