%u\n, (int)str, s); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mut1); usleep(1000); } pthread_mutex_trylock()调用在参数mutex指定的mutex对象当前被锁住的时候立即返回,除此之...pthread_mutex_trylock返回22 #define EINVAL 22 /* Invalid argument */看看你的mutex是不是在别处被干掉了 钉钉专业版费用2023年升级版办公...
pthread_mutex_trylock 函数是 POSIX 线程(pthread)库中用于尝试获取互斥锁的函数。关于 pthread_mutex_trylock 的返回值,以下是详细的解答: 一、返回值概述pthread_mutex_trylock 函数在成功获取互斥锁时返回 0,表示操作成功。如果无法获取互斥锁(例如,因为互斥锁已被其他线程锁定),则函数会返回一个非零的错误代码,...
与`pthread_mutex_lock`不同的是,`pthread_mutex_trylock`是非阻塞的,如果无法获取锁,它会立即返回而不是等待锁变为可用。 以下是`pthread_mutex_trylock`的基本用法: ```c #include <pthread.h> #include <stdio.h> //定义互斥锁 pthread_mutex_t myMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; void* myThread...
This function can be used to acquire ownership of the mutex object. (In other words, the function will lock the mutex.) If the mutex has already been locked by another thread, the function returns the error codeEBUSY. The calling thread can check the return code to take further actions. ...
pthread_mutex_trylock()returns zero after completing successfully. Any other return value indicates that an error occurred. When any of the following conditions occurs, the function fails and returns the corresponding value. EBUSY Description:
Ifpthread_mutex_trylock() was not successful, the error condition returned usually indicates one of the following errors. Under some conditions, the value returned could indicate an error other than those listed here. [EINVAL] The value specified for the argument is not correct. ...
锁操作主要包括加锁pthread_mutex_lock()、解锁pthread_mutex_unlock()和测试加锁 pthread_mutex_trylock()三个,不论哪种类型的锁,都不可能被两个不同的线程同时得到,而必须等待解锁。对于普通锁和适应锁类型,解锁者可以是同进程内任何线程;而检错锁则必须由加锁者解锁才有效,否则返回EPERM;对于嵌套锁,文档和实现...