PTH, Intact and Calcium Test code(s) 8837 Question 1. What is the purpose of this test? Question 2. How are test results interpreted? Question 3. Is any patient preparation required for this test? Question 4. What type of specimen is required? Question 5. What can interfere with parath...
The PTH test detects parathyroid disease and assesses function 5.0 1 Reviews|Write a review In addition to the identification of parathyroid disease, the parathyroid hormone (PTH) intact blood test is used to evaluate other disorders that affect calcium balance. ...
There were no group differences in baseline serum concentrations of ionized calcium, creatinine, intact PTH, and 1,25(OH)2-vitamin D, urinary calcium excretion, and creatinine clearance. After a 1-h infusion of EDTA at 12.5 mg/kg/h, the serum concentration of ionized calcium fell (H: ...
This two-step IRMA is highly specific of the intact h-PTH and does not cross react with active and inactive fragments even at high concentrations as suggested by HACKENG et al. 上海玉博生物技术有限公司在为生命科学领域提供丰富的产品与信息资源方面处于国内**地位,公司提供的产品涵盖了二十多个国家...
Intact parathormone (PTH 1-84) was measured with a new immunoradiometric method in serum from 83 children and adults with various abnormalities of calcium metabolism. The results were compared with those of an assay of midregional PTH fraction (44-68). Both measurements discriminated well between...
Yano;S;Brown;E;M;Takase;H.Calcium-corrected intact PTH:a clinically useful parameter for quantifying parathyroid function in patients undergoing hemodialysis.0Yano S,Brown E M,Takase H. Calcium-corrected intact PTH:a clinically useful parameter for quantifying parathyroid function in patients undergoing...
Intact PTH and albumin-adjusted calcium (ACa) were analysed on the COBAS®(Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany) platform. PTH in EDTA plasma was measured using electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (ECLIA), the inter-assay CV was ≤3.8% across the analytical range of 1.2–5000 pg/mL. Total...
The significance of intact PTH measurement in chronic maintenance hemodialysis patients : Especially the influences of calcium concentration and vitamin D pulse injection therapy TANAKA Akio , ITO Yasuhiko , FUJITA Yoshiro , DANBARA Atsushi , KAWAI Ryosuke , FUTAMURA Natsuko , HASEGAWA Isao , YURIKUSA...
Quiros RM, Valentin C, DeCresce R et al (2003) Intraoperative total serum calcium levels, unlike intraoperative intact PTH levels, do not correlate with cure of hyperparathyroidism. J Surg Res 114:57-63Quiros RM, Valentin C, DeCresce R, Prinz RA (2003) Intraoperative total serum calcium ...
(rs0.92; p-0.001) between intact parathy-roid hormone (PTH) concentrations measured withthe Allegroassay (Nichols Institute, San Juan Cap-istrano, CA, USA) and the Liaisonassay (Diasorin,Saluggia, Italy) in 167 hemodialyzed patients. Usingthe equation y (Liaison)s0.79=(Allegro)q50.3 (ng...