Carbone, E A DVerhoeven, M W G MKeuning, Wvan der Mullen, J J A MJournal of Physics Conference SeriesCarbone E, Verhoeven M, Keuning W (2013) PTFE treatment by remote atmospheric Ar/O2 plasmas: a simple reaction scheme model proposal. J Phy Conf Ser 715(1):1-6. doi:10.1088/ ...
ARMYLOR膨胀节Carbone Lorraine补偿器PTFE波纹管 不锈钢 弹性好 上海苏业机电设备有限公司 5年 查看详情 ¥158.00/件 成交100+元 江苏泰州 PTFE波纹膨胀节 整体模压四氟补偿器 铁氟龙防腐 在线交易 少货必赔 源头工厂 耐高温 江苏星球防腐科技有限公司 查看详情 ¥130.00/件 西藏阿里 PTFE衬四氟波纹补偿器 施工...
ARMYLOR膨胀节Carbone Lorraine补偿器PTFE波纹管 不锈钢 弹性好 上海苏业机电设备有限公司 5年 查看详情 ¥18.00/件 河北沧州 PTFE聚四氟乙烯金属软管 不锈钢钢带网波纹管 金属膨胀节 龙图制造 在线交易 72小时发货 少货必赔 破损包赔 源头工厂 河北龙图管道设备有限公司 查看详情 ¥5.00/个 山东德州 加工非标聚...
12912BRINKMANN sft450/300+001CARBONE LORRAINE RIGILOR C70 / G89977;Brosse antistaique largeur 70mm coax SN 516178 MK 10 NC 14 10C1 sorensen SGA 160/125D BANSBACH H1H-5G-055-160-001/050Nsomer 155SOFIMA R901320896(D829.068.02)??Peter Hirt K2024060CLOOS 536253450MINK RUB-1058452mink RUHI-...
12912BRINKMANN sft450/300+001CARBONE LORRAINE RIGILOR C70 / G89977;Brosse antistaique largeur 70mm coax SN 516178 MK 10 NC 14 10C1 sorensen SGA 160/125D BANSBACH H1H-5G-055-160-001/050Nsomer 155SOFIMA R901320896(D829.068.02)??Peter Hirt K2024060CLOOS 536253450MINK RUB-1058452mink RUHI-...
12912BRINKMANN sft450/300+001CARBONE LORRAINE RIGILOR C70 / G89977;Brosse antistaique largeur 70mm coax SN 516178 MK 10 NC 14 10C1 sorensen SGA 160/125D BANSBACH H1H-5G-055-160-001/050Nsomer 155SOFIMA R901320896(D829.068.02)??Peter Hirt K2024060CLOOS 536253450MINK RUB-1058452mink RUHI-...
12912BRINKMANN sft450/300+001CARBONE LORRAINE RIGILOR C70 / G89977;Brosse antistaique largeur 70mm coax SN 516178 MK 10 NC 14 10C1 sorensen SGA 160/125D BANSBACH H1H-5G-055-160-001/050Nsomer 155SOFIMA R901320896(D829.068.02)??Peter Hirt K2024060CLOOS 536253450MINK RUB-1058452mink RUHI-...
SOC. LE CARBONE LORRAINE. Aug. 4, 1961 [Aug. 18, 1960; July 25, 1961], No. 28429/61. Heading B5A. [Also in Division B1] A plane sheet of macroporous plastic material, e.g. polytetrafluoroethylene, is shaped to impart to it the configuration of Fig. 1, having channels 1a and ...
SOC. LE CARBONE LORRAINE. Aug. 4, 1961 [Aug. 18, 1960; July 25, 1961], No. 28429/61. Heading B5A. [Also in Division B1] A plane sheet of macroporous plastic material, e.g. polytetrafluoroethylene, is shaped to impart to it the configuration of Fig. 1, having channels 1a and ...