It is sometimes confused with pinguecula, which is a similar disorder that arises from but remains confined to the conjunctiva. The name pterygium describes the shape of the tissue, which resembles a wing. Although considered a benign proliferation of subconjunctival fibroblasts, pterygia can block ...
Pterygium is a common ocular surface condition frequently associated with irritative symptoms. The precise identity of its critical triggers as well as the hierarchical relationship between all the elements involved in the pathogenesis of this disease ar
The mean duration of unilateral pterygium in cases and controls was not significantly different (84.25±7.50 vs 82.50±13.25 months, P ¼ 0.28). Four patients in the cases and three in the control group had a stationary pinguecula in the other eye since an average of 11.34±1.23 years. ...