Possibility /ˌpɒsɪˈbɪlɪtɪ/ 上面的表格中是Read aloud中常见的“小陷阱”,一定要引起大家足够的注意,只有这样我们才能早日和PTE分手快乐。
1、iphone手机自带的录音软件。手机里的录音软件可以自动录下波形,同学们对着手机读一段Read Aloud,然后观察一下录音的波形,并且可以回放自己的录音,纠正自己的发音。 2、Enflares网站上PTE练习中的计时录音和79分音波样本。同学们可以利用录音练习发音,看看自己的音波,再同79分音波作对比,看看自己的差距在哪里。
【Test Plus 2】PART 1 SPEAKINGPractice Set 2: Speaking - Short Answer Question Look at the graph below. In 25 seconds, please speak into the microphone and describe in detail what the graph is showing. You will have 40 seconds to give your response. Item 33 of 36 | SAQ 8 请按“下...
【Test Plus 2】PART 1 SPEAKINGPractice Set 1: Personal Introduction Read the prompt below. In 25 seconds, you must reply in your own words, as naturally and clearly as possible. You have 30 seconds to record your response. Your response will be sent together with your score report to the...