13)确认订单信息和个人信息,填写Voucher Code,然后点击 Apply 即可使用Voucher并完成报名。 voucher是PTE报名的优惠券,PTE考试官方价格是330$一场,用voucher报名可以打九折。 如何购买voucher,点击进入PTEPLUS官网: 当然,同学们也可以直接用信用卡付款。以上就是PTE报名的全流程。 二、报考PTE的注意事项 关于PTE的报名...
8.在首页Find your Test 的Select country 里选择你出国要去哪,如Australia然后Next,选择出国目的,如...
准备输入Voucher啦 如下图: ***大家输入Voucher Code 之后,点击Apply 就可以啦,报名的Total Amount Due 从$330 变成了$0 , 考试费用就用购买的9折Voucher抵消掉啦。 当然没有买Voucher考生也可以用信用卡付款: 然后填好其他个人信息: 填完之后,点击Next: 进行Submit order 大家一定要确认核对所有信息,然后Submit ...
Redeem your code PTE Academic PTE Core Tests for UK visas & immigration Useful links About PTE Preparation Help Center Find test centers and fees Policy center Test Taker Handbooks Inspiration and advice News and media Research Destinations Australia Canada New Zealand United Kingdom United...
China (31.86 °N, 113.94 °E). For each species newly sequenced, 1–2 adult individuals were collected. All samples were stored in 95–100% ethanol. Voucher specimens and specimen parts after DNA extraction have been deposited at −20 °C in Entomological Museum of Henan Agricultural Unive...
China (31.86 °N, 113.94 °E). For each species newly sequenced, 1–2 adult individuals were collected. All samples were stored in 95–100% ethanol. Voucher specimens and specimen parts after DNA extraction have been deposited at −20 °C in Entomological Museum of Henan Agricultural Unive...
10 PANTECH GROUP HOLDINGS BERHAD (733607-W) ANNUAL REPORT 2011 EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT cont'd The Australasian Oil & Gas Expo 2011 which was held in Perth, Australia in February 2011 also provided us an opportunity to reach the oil and gas professionals, service providers, engineers and...
British Council)、剑桥大学考试委员会和澳大利亚教育国际开发局(IDP Education Australia)联合主办,用于...