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PTE testsPTE tests About PTEAbout PTE DestinationsDestinations Partners & ResearchPartners & Research Get a taste ofPTE Academic Reading & Listening 1 Reading Fill in the blanks 2 Reading Re-order the paragraphs 3 Reading Multiple choice, single answer ...
PTE学术英语考试,英文全称Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic),也译为培生英语考试。它是...
这篇经验帖拖着一直没写,考完试到现在中间经历了春节,节后返工的忙碌,现在终于有时间仔细梳理并把自己从备考到考试中的技巧,心得体会写出来,寄此来回馈在这过程中陪我一路走来给我支持、包容理解的家人、我的移民顾问、还有最最可爱的广大PTE考友们。 先说下本人的背景吧,三十出头,本科在帝都的非211,985类大学...
上次说了口语,今天我们来说说写作, 留下个伏笔, 我说这是传说中的写作, 为什么是”传说中”呢? 我认为其实这也是大部分考友接触PTE的起因吧, 雅思写作永远止步6.5, 听说PTE写作容易, 考PTE咯, 哈哈哈不要太形象哦。 PTE的写作个人认为确实比雅思写作容易, 但容易并不代表你就能轻松通关, 我曾经听过很多雅思...
我觉得准备pte是必须要买官网的scored practice test的,做完之后会给你一个清晰的概念,比如题型,时间控制,难易程度等等。 除此之外,最好有以下三本教材中的两本(Pearson Test Plus With Key PTE Academic : Pearson Test of English Academic, The Official Guide to the Pearson Test of English Academic Pack,...
Study abroad or apply for a visa with Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic. PTE Academic is the world’s leading computer-based test of English for study abroad and immigration. PTE Academic is the English test trusted by universities, colleges and governments around the world. You can use...
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Ascored online practice testwith same-day results The Official Guide to PTE Academiccontaining over 200 practice questions, analysis of sample responses, test-taking tips and more. access the latest information and resources, including FAQs and test preparation adv...
PTE考场遍布上海、北京、广州、大连、济南、成都、长沙等各大城市。PTE学术英语考试的认可院校美国 哈佛大学Harvard University耶鲁大学 Yale University康奈尔大学 Cornell University斯坦福大学 Stanford University东北大学 Northwestern University英国 伦敦政治经济学院 LSE中央兰开夏大学 University of Central...