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Hotshot24- a leading portal for PTE Academic practice. We provide free PTE practice test- Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening free practice questions and test tips.
surrounding yourself with friends who are more self-disciplined can also help you become more self-disciplined. This is just one of many examples of how our social network can have an influence over our own behavior and goal-seeking.It fits...
PrepTest15Exined Passage2:WomenandFolklore•Alwaysremember:Ifadifficultphraseorconcept isimportantenough,theauthorwilldefineit Questions8–15moreclearlyforyoubeforetoolong.(Andifit’s notimportant,whocareswhatitmeans?) TopicandScope:Folklorestudies;specifically,a recentshiftininteresttowomenfolklorists.TheQues...
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Answer Short Questions 每一小题考生将听到一句简短的常识性问题,例如What is the color of the sky? 提 问过后考生将给出答案,答案只需控制在1个单词或一个短 语,所以考生的答案应该是Blue。考生有10秒钟的时间来作答。 此题主要考察考生听力理解能力与快速反应作答的能力。 答题技巧: 1.时刻保持精神集中...
Find NPTE & NPTAE help using our NPTE & NPTAE flashcards and practice questions. Helpful NPTE & NPTAE review notes in an easy to use format. Prepare today!
People have the right to make informed judgements about the kind of leaders they have. Attempts to restrict what may be reported about public figures in the press could easily become a conspiracy to keep voters in the dark and to manipulate them. All elections are to a greater or lesser ext...
you must be like a novelist and get into the skins of your characters and think and feel as they do. You are asked to imagine what it’s like to be a peasant in medieval times, asking the sort of questions a peasant might ask. What the writer is saying is that a historian needs ...
2. REPEAT Acomputer destroyedallmyfiles. 电脑毁了我所有的文件Alotofagriculturalworkerscametotheeast endto lookforalternativework.A