⚠️最近登陆PTE考试系统,有同学是注册了账号过后就点报名,但是转到99%之后显示“ Your profile for booking a test is still being created. Please try again a few minutes” 但是等了一天都还是这个页面。 🔍解答:打了电话问培生IT,是系统问题,如果后面有人碰到的话,记得打电话报情况,一般24小时后就可...
4.Can I book the PTE test 2 days before the exam? Yes, candidates can book their PTE test dates up to 24 hours before the PTE exam date. However, to book the suitable exam date at the nearest test centre candidates are advised to do the PTE exam date booking process at least 10 to...
5. 全选后点击 Register account 6. 在Find your test里选择你想要学习,工作,定居的国家 7.填写你...
Before test-taker proceeds with the PTE test booking, there is a set of booking questions which are need to be answered. Test-takers need to fill in details about their primary language, reason for taking the PTE exam, the country they’re planning to study in, desired field of study etc...
6. 在Find your test里选择你想要学习,工作,定居的国家 7.填写你考PTE的目的,然后点击 Book PTE ...
在跳转页面中往下拉找到 Booking tests 点击Refunds and cancellations 图源:培生 PTE 官网 在跳转出来的页面中你可以看到有关退考和改考的所有政策。 图源:培生 PTE 官网 Part.❸ 点击后面的+号,可以跳转出相应的政策。 图源:培生 PTE 官网 改考退考: ...
Choose the PTE academic Test to Study Abroad Students who plan to move abroad should opt for the PTE academic exam. This test type is designed to allow students to move to any English-speaking country for study reasons. Now, we will focus on PTE academics, which serve as students' primary...
6. 在Find your test里选择你想要学习,工作,定居的国家 7. 填写你考PTE的目的,然后点击 Book PTE Academic Test 8. 阅读Exam details,注意付款信息 9.选择你要参考的国家和城市 10. 选择考点和考试时间 11. 检查报考的时间和地点 12.完成你的详细个人信息 13.完成Booking questions 14.进入付款页面,再次检查...
对于PTE Online考试成绩被审查或是取消的同学,杜伦大学建议可参加Password Language Skills Test或其他可以满足学校要求的语言考试,合格的语言成绩需要在8月17日前上传。受PTE Online成绩影响的同学可点击booking site进行测试申请,同时先暂停签证的申请,等待学校下一步通知。伯明翰大学 伯明翰大学接受雅思在线和托福家考...
对于PTE Online考试成绩被审查或是取消的同学,杜伦大学建议可参加Password Language Skills Test或其他可以满足学校要求的语言考试,合格的语言成绩需要在8月17日前上传。 受PTE Online成绩影响的同学可点击booking site进行测试申请,同时先暂停签证的申请,...