Some universities and institutes use a combination of the overall score and communicative skills scores in their selection criteria. The Enabling Skills scores guide test-takers to identify their language strengths and weaknesses so that they can improve on them, if necessary. These scores also ...
可以通过自己的强项给弱项加分,熟悉score guide的评分标准后,不难分析出每道题的得分之处。
官方标准首先来看PTE的官方Score Guide, 考虑到语速是口语中流利度的范畴,这里展示了PTE官方对于口语中fluency的评分:5分:接近母语者5 Native-likeSpeech shows smooth rhythm and phrasing. There are no hesitations, repetitions, false starts or non-native phonological simplifications.发言表现流畅、有节奏和措辞...
可以通过自己的强项给弱项加分,熟悉score guide的评分标准后,不难分析出每道题的得分之处。
在备考前需要明确好自己的目标分,并不是所有同学都需要把每个句子复述,可以参照下面Score Guide关于内容...
PTE Acade mic | Score Guide Page 4 of 71 2 Ite m Scoring: An Ove rvie w All ite ms in PTE Acade mic are machine s core d. Score s for s ome ite m type s are bas e d on corre ctne s s alone , while othe rs are bas e d on correctne s s , formal as pe cts...
pte机经全攻略pte基础新版pte score-guide1.pdf,Score Guide Version 7/ July 2017 Contents Introduction 4 1. Reported Scores: An Overview 5 Overall score5 Communicative skills scores 5 Enabling skills scores6 2. Item Scoring: An Overview 7 Correct or incorre
At PTENOTE, We believe that our job doesn't end at supplying mock tests and answer keys. Although honest self-assessment is key to earning a perfect score, It's also one of the hardest skills to master. We go the extra mile to enable our subscribers to evaluate their performance better...
最后,分值大的题型去多分析PTE score guide,好好理清答题思路以及技巧,不要在那些不痛不痒的题目上...
大家在练习的时候,首先明确到RO这个题的评分方式是每正确一个对子得一分,请参考附上的Score Guide描述。所以我们在明确了评分方式之后,那我们做题策略也是可以有所改变。比如说这个题:例题:Earthquake 1) The fire, lasting four days, most likely started with broken gas lines(and, in some cases, was...