还有一些sample上常见的词,比如predominantly,outweigh,on the flip side, etc. 你在用的时候可以不出语法错误么?If so,perfect. 我们对词的驾驭,决定了我们的听说读写能力。这并不是说,你认识的词多,就万事无忧了;很多情况下,认识的词在听力时候听不出来,speaking的时候讲不出来,writing的时候书写错误,这也...
When someone offers you a free sample, / it’s not really free. // It comes with the implied expectation / that if a person accepts it, he or she will feel obligated to return the favor / and eventually pay for the full product. // That’s just one of the many insights / psychol...
官方sample为例带大家一起理一下思路~ 记得关注哦 If you are taking PTE Academic or PTE Academic UKVl between 10 April and 31 July 2024, you may notice one or two question types in the Speaking section that you have not seen or read about before. This is because PTE is trialing some ne...
模考成绩单Sample 建议通过官方途径购买:PTE Academic scored practice testswww.pearsonpte.com/prepa...
写作里面的大作文WE,就是Written Discourse的分数,例如图上的成绩单sample,这位同学的大作文就是11分...
其中,着重复习了RA和DI,因为我这两项那个时候基本上是各种卡,认真的讲RA网站上的sample听了一遍,发现自己有很多单词的发音是不正确的,查字典,这里说一下,其实有道词典就很好用啊,里面的单词本分类将生词整理好,我是按照speaking,reading,listening, writing整理的。然后做到隔天温习,一周回顾就可以啦!RA最基本的就...
10 -- 13:55 App 【PTE 高频带练】Soil Sample - Shiney 16 -- 10:40 App 【PTE 高频带练】MBA Course -Tony 25 -- 10:51 App 【PTE 高频带练】 A world without lights - Jason 366 20 1:52:26 App PTE口语满分选手:教你7天练完RA 168句高频的神奇偏方、轻松拿下90 21 -- 13:22 App...
直到后来周围的朋友都陆续炸了, 在好心学霸们的督促下不情不愿的报上了第二场考试,这次把考试的顺序好好看了一遍,买了preparation package, 先把sample question都做了一遍,却没曾想,因为本来就抱着去参观考场的心态忘记了做online practice test , 后来也过期了,妥妥的浪费掉了(此刻又想一棍子夯死心大的自己)...
由Speaking Sample口语样本和Writing Sample写作样本两种不评分题型构成。答题样本会随成绩报告一起发送给申请的院校,考生可以在发送成绩报告前查看自己在视频面试和写作部分的表现。 录取要求 大部分院校要求100-120分以上。少部分院校预科要求90分以上。排名比...
PTE Sample Answer: Introduction Sample Answer: Description Keep in mind: Practice, practice, practice! Start Now. It’s Free ✌️ Introduction to PTE Describe Image Picture this: you’re faced with a graph that seems to have more lines and dots than a constellation map. Or perhaps it’...