APEUni PTE scoring engines Evaluate speaking pronunciation & fluency Check writing grammar and spelling Synchronize practice records across Web & APPs Practice Now TWO PTE Study Tools Vocab Book Contains 90% exam vocabs Shadowing Improve RA in 14 days ...
我们接入的第三方 SDK 主要服务于您以及其他的用户的需求,因此在满足新的服务需求及业务功能变更时,我们可能会调整我们接入的第三方 SDK。我们会及时在本政策中向您公开说明接入第三方 SDK 的最新情况。有关 PTE猩际 App 中接入的第三方SDK 收集和使用用户信息的具体情况,请见下方 “第三方 SDK 列表” Android 操...
APEUni PTE is a practice and study APP for PTE exam. 1. Practice Questions Freely practice with thousands of questions. 2. APEUni AI Scoring Engine APEUni APP…
APEUni PTE is a practice and study APP for PTE exam. 1. Practice Questions Freely practice with thousands of questions. 2. APEUni AI Scoring Engine APEUni APP…
新算法入口:https://www.apeuni.com/practice/read_alouds/ 我们的 RA 新算法 V2.0 (以下简称新算法)已经上线将近一周啦!我们接到了很多关于新算法的反馈,有小伙伴表示,这次评分升级后比之前更贴近自己模考考试成绩,而且能明显听出来和高分同学之间存在差距。
1. Practice Questions Freely practice with thousands of questions. 2. APEUni AI Scoring Engine APEUni APP simulates the real PTE scoring system. It can accurately judge pronunciation, fluency of all speaking question types, and give alerts on grammar and spelling errors for writing items. ...
第二步: Practice 阶段(考前一周以前)第三步:强化阶段 (考前一周)PS: 建议目标分是 50 的小...
chanelid=618&news_id=11450&pageno=1 模拟考试 Practice Test offline http://pearsonpte.com/TestMe/Preparing/Pages/PracticeTestoffline.aspx 学习计划 Test taker strategies( CN/EN both 中英版本): http://pearsonpte.com/TestMe/Preparing/Pages/PTEAcademicTestTakingStrategies.aspx http://pearsonpte.com...
2. 其次,官方模考网站。 https://ptepractice.com/ 考前你如果连模考都没做过,就是在拿自己的钱开玩笑。 3. 其次,PTE 报名考试流程。 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/30834452 稍微搜了一下,下面这篇知乎专栏里写的是比较清晰的。不过因为大多数报名流程都大同小异,我就不贴机构的了,避免广告的嫌疑。是个...
APEUni PTE scoring engines Evaluate speaking pronunciation & fluency Check writing grammar and spelling Synchronize practice records across Web & APPs Practice Now TWO PTE Study Tools Vocab Book Contains 90% exam vocabs Shadowing Improve RA in 14 days ...