PTE Core 新推出的日常英語評測。獲得加拿大政府認可用於申請工作和移民簽證,以及永久居留權。 探索PTE Core 為考試做好準備,令你安枕無憂 我們提供廣泛的資源來協助你為考試做好準備。從計分模擬評測到網上課程 — 你希望以任何方式備考,我們都能滿足你的需求。
首先进入PTE学术英语的官方网站,在最上边栏选择“For test takers”,下拉菜单栏选择“Test centers and fees”,然后点击你所在的国家、输入城市,系统就会自动帮你搜索最近的考场。在考场详情中,会有那个考点的详细信息与近期场次。 以上海腾飞大厦考场为例,最近一次考试日期是2022年4月25日,时间可选早上八点或早上十...
PTE tests are recognized worldwide by universities, colleges, governments, and professional bodies. Find the test to take you where you want to go. PTE Academic Book now PTE Core Book now UK visa tests Book now Faster, fairer, simpler ...
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Reality Test with Instant Result Webinars and Workshops Online Classes Watch Our PTE Success StoriesCheck Our Courses Master thePTE CoreExam for Your Work Visa or PR Success! Take aFREE12-Question Pre-Assessment Test and unlock 4 weeks ofFREEaccess to: ...
you are to write a summary of 50-70 words that includes the main points and core idea of the recording. The total time allotted to the students is 10 minutes, including listening to the recording, pondering about the topic, and writing the summary within word limits. Writing space with cut...
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Explore PTE Home PTE Core Bookings are now open for our new general English test. Approved by the Canadian Government for work and migration visas, and permanent residency. Explore PTE CoreBe test ready with one less worry We offer an extensive range of resources to prepare you for your test...
Gurully offers a full-length English language mock test, designed to ease exam stress and reduce the fear of the actual test. PTE Prepare for the PTE Academic & PTE Core Exam Gurully’s PTE portal offers full insights on exam patterns, scoring charts, and expert-curated practice material ...
■ PTE Core(培生): 侧重于评估考生在日常生活中的英语沟通能力,包括听、说、读、写四项技能。是是加拿大移民、难民及公民部 (IRCC)指定的语言测试之一,适用于加拿大移民申请,包括经济类移民、家庭团聚等,也被部分加拿大教育机构和雇主认可。 三大考试简介 ...