PTB-TIR is a Thermal InfraRed (TIR) pedestrian tracking benchmark, which provides 60 TIR sequences with mannuly annoations. The benchmark is used to fair evaluate TIR trackers. Source: PTB-TIR: A Thermal Infrared Pedestrian Tracking Benchmark Homepage...
Thermal infrared (TIR) pedestrian tracking is one of the important components among numerous applications of computer vision, which has a major advantage: it can track pedestrians in total darkness. The ability to evaluate the TIR pedestrian tracker fairly, on a benchmark dataset, is significant ...
问:吃了四片头孢地尼分散片,喝了点白酒,会死么,(男,21岁) 答:这个应该不是双硫仑反应,您还是得继续观察,双硫仑反应不是100%会出现头孢地尼可能出现的概率还不太大,一般会出现在一个小时以内,现在就是要多喝水,促进药物排出体内,如果有醉酒样不适,需要及时去
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