Interested in volunteering? Volunteer Interest Form for the 2024-25 School Year Our volunteers have achieved amazing things over the years – Purchasing new computers for the school Funding years ofhigh quality cultural arts programs Running annual festivals and events (Hero Day, School Picnic, Intern...
California ranks33rdin the countryin per student funding resulting in only abasic education. The programs, teachers, and elective classes that make WCI special—more electives for students to choose from in art, music and science and a credentialed librarian—are made possible only throughyour don...
Beyond that, we will handle our regular PTA business, including the approval of funding/contracts and a vote on our 2024-2025 PTA Executive Board (see below). We will also hear from our audit committee regarding their findings on their most recent audit. Don’t miss this meeting! The ...
The CIC will review all requests, including funding for staff positions and make their recommendations, which will be voted on at the PTA Meeting on Friday, April 4th. Any current PTA member can submit a request via the Spring CIC Request Form. For more information about CIC, click HERE. ...