After that, you can purchase an Individual Score Report from your online dashboard to access your report. Retaking the Test You are allowed to schedule a retest if you did not pass on your first attempt. You can only take the exam six times in your lifetime, and if you have already ...
With over 30 years of experience, exam candidates look to us to: Learn about the latest examination expectations and trends. Determine what topic areas to focus on. Assess their current knowledge and plan their study schedule. Practice interpreting and answering challenging, high-level practice items...
Methods: This study was conducted between February and May 2020 in a medical board exam course center in Istanbul within the necessary permissions. The study was completed with 210 final year medical students who responded appropriately to the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and...
Check with your state licensing board for the specifics of PTA license renewal. A word of note: It is illegal to work as a PTA with an expired license so make sure to be prompt about renewal. While you probably won’t be thrown in jail for practicing without a license, you can incur...