Pt-PtRh薄膜热电偶的动静态性能研究薄膜热电偶静态测试动态测试响应时间本文针对民机专项项目对薄膜热电偶的技术需求:测量温度高达1000℃,响应时间为50微秒,选用Pt和Pt Rh作为贵金属薄膜热电偶的热电功能材料,以Al2O3陶瓷为基底制备了薄膜热电偶,对动静态性能进行了研究.首先,根据薄膜热电偶的测试需求,分别设计用于...
专利名称:Oxide dispersion-strengthened Pt, PtRh or PtAu substance produced through internal oxidation with high oxide content and good ductility 发明人:MANHARDT, HARALD,ECKARDT,TANJA,LUPTON, DAVID FRANCIS 申请号:EP08000288.4 申请日:20080109 公开号:EP1964938A1 公开日:20080903 专利内容由知识产权...
1、贵金属铂钯铑含量检测及判定规范 ...
Download Datasheet PDF Details Disclaimer The information in this data sheet contains only general information on the use of our products or examples for their application. They do not release the customer from a careful inspection of the delivered product for its fitness for the customer's particu...
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Guenther 热电偶 Guenther AB-1203-102455 2xPtRh-Pt /S Kl.1 】热电偶是一种常见的温度传感器,它利用热电效应原理将温度差转化为电信号。由于其测量准确度高、稳定性好、响应速度快、使用寿命长等优点,广泛应用于工业自动化、能源、化工、冶金、陶瓷、医疗等领域。热电偶由两种不同的导体或半导体材料组成,通常...
SA-PT654/7.3H-GY 由PTR HARTMANN 设计生产,在 华秋商城 现货销售,并且可以通过 tme 等渠道进行代购。 SA-PT654/7.3H-GY 价格参考¥ 10.71218 。 PTR HARTMANN SA-PT654/7.3H-GY 封装/规格: , 旋钮; Ø4x7.3mm; 灰色。你可以下载 SA-PT654/7.3H-GY 中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,...
Compound is dynamically active on the NMR time scale by a mechanism that appears to involve a shifting of the Pt(PBu) group from one Ru−Ru bond to another. Two new complexes, PtRu(CO)(PBu)(μ-H)(GePh)(μ-C),, and PtRu(CO)(PBu)(μ-H)(μ-GePh)(μ-C),, were obtained ...