PT Vale is dedicated to implementing a fair, competency-based recruitment system and consistently enhancing employee skills through various training programs, coaching, mentoring, and on-the-job training. In the recruitment process, PT Vale continuously strives to increase the involvement of local, ...
PT Vale Indonesia embarks on a transformative journey into the world of sustainable nickel mining with our cutting-edge ESG Strategy
PT Vale Indonesia’s ESG risk management safeguards against potential threats to performance and reputation.
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PT Vale Indonesia Tbk(INCO)计划在中部Morowali的Bahodopi完成采用回转窑-电炉(RKEF)技术的镍冶炼厂项目后,通过建设不锈钢厂来扩大与太原钢铁股份有限公司(Tisco)的合作。 Vale Indonesia Tbk(INCO)的CEO Febriany Eddy表示,Bahodopi冶炼厂每年将生产73000吨镍,并与拥有更大市场的Tisco合作支持不锈钢行业。“我们同意考虑...
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MIND ID is a state-owned holding company that comprises several leading companies, including PT ANTAM Tbk, PT Bukit Asam Tbk, PT Freeport Indonesia, PT INALUM, and PT Timah Tbk. With its significant ownership in PT Vale Indonesia Tbk, MIND ID not only plays a vital role in the national ...
PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO)和PT Bahodopi Nickel Smelting Indonesia的低碳综合镍矿开采和加工项目于周五破土动工。他们将在东Bungku和Bahodopi区开采镍矿,而冶炼厂将在Bungku Pesisir区。这个耗资37.5万亿盾...
PT Bahodopi Nickel refining Indonesia (BNSI)宣布,计划移交该公司控股权。该公司是PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO)与太钢集团(Tisco)和鑫海集团(Xin Hai)成立的合资公司。INCO持有BNSI 51%的股份,太钢和鑫海持有49%的股份。 BNSI在3月10日的公告中传达了公司筹集授权资本的意图,包括A轮和B轮股票。 Taixin (...
PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (INCO)和PT Bahodopi Nickel Smelting Indonesia的低碳综合镍矿开采和加工项目于周五破土动工。他们将在东Bungku和Bahodopi区开采镍矿,而冶炼厂将在Bungku Pesisir区。这个耗资37.5万亿盾的项目将拥有高达每年7.3万吨的产能,预计将在未来2.5年内建成。