PT Vale Indonesia’s ESG risk management safeguards against potential threats to performance and reputation.
PT Vale Indonesia embarks on a transformative journey into the world of sustainable nickel mining with our cutting-edge ESG Strategy
We are committed to prioritizing life above mere material achievements. Life matters most. This is one of the values upheld by the Company, meaning we regard workers as strategic stakeholders with a direct influence on the Company's sustainability....
PT Vale Indonesia is dedicated to embracing exemplary governance practices, not only on a national level but also on an international scale.
矿业公司 PT Vale Indonesia 将在南苏拉威西岛索罗瓦科的高压酸浸 (HPAL) 冶炼厂项目中增加新的合作伙伴,旨在加工褐铁镍矿。 该项目与浙江华友钴业有限公司合作,寻求符合严格 ESG 标准的第三方合作伙伴。 “该项目计划有三家参与者。目前,只有两家:华友和淡水河谷,”PT Vale Indonesia 首席执行官 Febriany Eddy 在...
View the most recent data and latest information on option chains for Vale Indonesia Tbk PT (PTNDF) at
巴西矿业巨头淡水河谷股份有限公司(Vale SA)的子公司PT Vale Indonesia Tbk周一表示,该公司已与浙江华友钴业有限公司签署了一项最终合作协议,以处理其位于印度尼西亚的Pomalaa区块的镍矿,这是其项目管道的一个关键里程碑。这项协议于周日在巴厘岛努沙杜瓦举行的B20/G20峰会上签署,是PT淡水河谷致力于打造其世界级...
Stay up-to-date on Vale Indonesia Tbk PT ADR (PTNDY) news with the latest updates, breaking headlines, news articles, and more from around the web at
受全球电动汽车电池对镍的需求不断增长的推动,PT Vale Indonesia(INCO)计划于 2026 年在东南苏拉威西岛波马拉(Pomalaa)投入运营,这是该公司扩大其在印度尼西亚镍加工能力战略的一部分。 INCO 总裁 Febriany Eddy 透露,Pomalaa 冶炼厂的建设进度预计到 2024 年底将达到约 20%,并计划于 2026 年第一季度全面投入运营。
PT Vale Indonesia Tbk and China's Zhejiang Huayou Cobalt Co. today announced an agreement with global automaker Ford Motor Co., creating a three-party collaboration to advance more sustainable nickel production in Indonesia and help make electric vehicle batteries more affordable. All three companies...