The limonite ore materials for the Obi plant are supplied by Mining Permit Companies (IUP) PT Trimegah Bangun Persada (TBP) and PT Gane Permai Sentosa (GPS) which are part of Harita Nickel’s mining operations with annual planned supply of 5.05 million wet metric tonnes (WMT) limonite ore ...
10月29日,江新芳联合副总再次带队中国恩菲设计院陆业大总工及12名恩菲设计院相关领导和工程师团队来到OBI岛HPAL项目现场,开展项目一期技术交底和项目二期选址工作。 目前,项目已到了设备进场及安装的关键期。连日来,HPAL项目团队会同TBP、恩菲、以及各分包单位,白天跑现场、晚上进会场,争分夺秒地开展工作。
25. Obinata, A. et al. Electric-field control of magnetic moment in Pd. Sci. Rep. 5, 14303 (2015). 26. Weisheit, M. et al. Electric Field–Induced Modification of Magnetism in Thin-Film Ferromagnets. Science 315, 349 (2007). 27. Shimamura, K. et al. Electrical control of Curie ...