PT-symmetryresonatorssignal-to-noise ratiotransmission peak degeneracyNon-Hermitian sensors have been widely studied for the enhanced response of their eigenvalues in the proximity of exceptional points. However, it has been shown that noise is enhanced in the same way as sensitivity, thus vanishing ...
Publisher Correction: Generalized parity–time symmetry condition for enhanced sensor telemetry Wireless sensors based on micro-machined tunable resonators are important in a variety of applications, ranging from medical diagnosis to industrial and environmental monitoring.The sensitivity of these devices is,...
Nowadays, topological parity-time (PT) and anti- parity-time (APT) symmetry systems have attracted substantial attention due to their noticeable features and specific applications. The emergence of exceptional points in these systems plays a direct role in their overall responses and causes them to ...
对于光学而言,一般的gain是用泵浦光来放大,而对于声学来说,gain一般是用放大电路和喇叭来实现的,如Romain Fleury教授在2015年的一篇NC文章An invisible acoustic sensor based on parity-time symmetry,虽然这听起来比较容易,因为声音一般就是用喇叭来发出的嘛,所以直接用反馈电路把信号放大后发给喇叭不就完了?但是实验...
years, an artificial material called metamaterial has gained phenomenal momentum due to its unusual electromagnetic properties. These subwavelength-scale artificial electromagnetic materials can provide a variety of mediums for exploring non-Hermitian phenomena. Thus, the implementation of PT symmetry in meta...
In recent years, notions drawn from non-Hermitian physics and parity–time (PT) symmetry have attracted considerable attention. In particular, the realization that the interplay between gain and loss can lead to entirely new and unexpected features has initiated an intense research effort to explore...
By x‐ray diffraction, the chemical formula and crystal structure of Pt3O4have been established. The crystal lattice has a body‐centered cube symmetry. The edges of the cubes are 6.226A long, and there are two molecules per unit cell. A chemical method for preparing this oxide has been gi...
symmetry about a zero bias point of a transfer curve due to the influences of the a net sense current field, a ferromagnetic coupling field and a demagnetization field being counterbalanced by a net image field from asymmetric positioning of the SV sensor between first and second shield layers....
8. One potential application of the SMO-based sensor is the detection of biomarker molecules in exhaled breath to distinguish between healthy people and those suffering from a variety of diseases9,10. However, some obstacles remain regarding the practical application of this kind of sensor. First,...
The φ-scan spectrum of the NNO layers on (101) plane was characterized by a four-fold symmetry and matched well with that of the PMN-PT substrate, demonstrating that NNO thin films have an identical in-plane orientation with PMN-PT and undergo cube-on-cube epitaxial growth on the STO/...