We review several of these advances 鈥 often stretching the borders of investigation to the most general area of non-Hermitian wave transport where concepts like coherent perfect absorbers, gain-induced lasing shut-down, and asymmetric transport are naturally emerging....
In recent years, notions drawn from non-Hermitian physics and parity–time (PT) symmetry have attracted considerable attention. In particular, the realization that the interplay between gain and loss can lead to entirely new and unexpected features has initiated an intense research effort to explore...
Pseudo-Hermiticity versus PT symmetry: The necessary condition for the reality of the spectrum of a non-Hermitian Hamiltonian | Journal of Mathematical Physics | AIP Publishing 一. 一个具有实本征值的非厄米系统——源自PT对称 1. 从谐振子开始加项 从厄米推广到非厄米是很大胆的举动,但扩展起来并不容易。
It is shown that if the PT symmetry of a Hamiltonian H is not broken, then the spectrum of H is real. Examples of PT-symmetric non-Hermitian quantum-mechanical Hamiltonians are H=p^2+ix^3 and H=p^2-x^4. The crucial question is whether PT-symmetric Hamiltonians specify physically ...
dynamically in the framework of the non-unitary evolution (Floquet) operator U ( τ ) = e i L τ , over a period τ , which shows that the stability of the dynamics occurs when the {PT} -symmetry (or pseudo- {PT} ) of the time-independent non-Hermitian Hamiltonian L is unbroken ...
We investigate a non- Hermitian finite-size Kitaev chain with PT-symmetric chemical potentials. Exact solution at the symmetric point shows that Majorana edge modes can emerge as the coalescing states at exceptional points and PT symmetry breaking states. The coalescing zero mode is the finite-size...
PT-Symmetry, Pseudo-Hermiticity: the Real Spectra of Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians PT-symmetry gives rise to a new class of complex Hamiltonians with real spectrum. The pseudo-Hermeticity of Hamiltonians are discussed and PT-symmetric Ham... S Meyur,S Debnath - 《Acta Physica Polonica》 被引量:...
The new approach is developing on the basis of existing methods for study the unbroken $\\cal PT$ symmetry of Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians. The paper shows that this modified model contains the definition of the mass parameter, which may use as the determination of the magnitude scaling of ...
SaxonPotential;PT-symmetry,Non-Hermitianpotential;Nikiforov-Uvarov Method. PACSNUMBER(S):03.65.-w;02.30.Gp;03.65.Ge;68.49.-h;24.10.Ht; 03.65.Db;12.39.Pn;71.15.Dx;02.30.Fn I.INTRODUCTION Alargevarietyofpotentialswiththerealorcomplexformareencounteredinvarious fieldsofphysics.Aconsistentphysicaltheor...
Parity-time (PT) symmetry and broken in micro-/nanophotonic structures have been investigated extensively as they bring new opportunities to control the fl