A parity-time (PT )-symmetric system emerging from a quantum dynamics is highly desirable in order to understand the possible implications of PT symmetry in the next generation of quantum technologies. In this work, we address this need by proposing and studying a circuit-QED architecture that ...
今天要为大家介绍的是2011年Science上的一篇文章,Nonreciprocal Light Propagation in a Silicon Photonic Circuit,DOI: 10.1126 /science. 1206038。 光栅衍射的原理大家都知道,就是周期性折射率(或介电常数)的调制,会引入波矢k = 2π/p,p是光栅周期,从而改变光的传播。其实就是周期性的散射叠加,造成的在特殊波矢...
A parity-time (PT )-symmetric system emerging from a quantum dynamics is highly desirable in order to understand the possible implications of PT symmetry in the next generation of quantum technologies. In this work, we address this need by proposing and studying a circuit-QED architecture that ...
The optical properties of PT-symmetric epsilon-near-zero (ENZ) periodic stack of the layers with balanced loss and gain have been examined. The effect of periodicity on the unidirectional tunneling phenomenon and symmetry breaking is determined. The performed analysis provides insight in the main fea...
The spontaneous breaking of parity-time ([Math Processing Error]PT) symmetry yields rich critical behavior in non-Hermitian systems, and has stimulated much interest, albeit most previous studies were performed within the single-particle or mean-field framework. Here, by studying the collective excita...
We show that the terahertz (THz) photoconductivity in the topological phase of Hg1–xCdxTe-based structures exhibits the apparent PT- (parity-time) symmetry whereas the P-symmetry and the T-symmetry, separately, are not conserved. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the P- and T-symmetry breaki...
tiontotheHamiltonian’sPTsymmetry,andthetime evolutiongeneratedbvthe H a m ilt o ni an is k e pt u nit a ry in t he P —sy m m et ric t he ory .T h ere fore .t he eig en fun ct ions of t he non- Hermit ian P T —sym met ric Ham ilt onia n can b e ...
Non-Hermitian systems with anti-parity-time ($\mathcal{APT}$) symmetry have revealed rich physics beyond conventional systems. Here, we study optomechanics in an $\mathcal{APT}$-symmetric spinning resonator and show that, by tuning the rotating speed to approach the exceptional point (EP) or...
新加坡国立大学仇成伟教授在最新出版的《半导体学报》2022年第5期上发表news and views文章“Breaking the symmetry of polarizers”,简短地评论了华中科技大学武汉光电国家研究中心Yanxian Wei, Hailong Zhou, Jianji Dong等人最近在《Photonic...
In recent years, notions drawn from non-Hermitian physics and parity–time (PT) symmetry have attracted considerable attention. In particular, the realization that the interplay between gain and loss can lead to entirely new and unexpected features has initiated an intense research effort to explore...