结构变更语句,不需要ALTER TABLE关键字。与原始ddl一样可以指定多个更改,用逗号分隔。 绝大部分情况下表上需要有主键或唯一索引,因为工具在运行当中为了保证新表也是最新的,需要旧表上创建 DELETE和UPDATE 触发器,同步到新表的时候有主键会更快。个别情况是,当alter操作就是在c1列上建立主键时,DELETE触发器将基于c1...
In addition, you can specify a file that contains your custom trigger function, written in Unix shell script. This can be a wrapper that executes anything you wish. If the argument to --function is a file, then it takes precedence over built-in functions, so if there is a file in the...
Microsoft.ReFsDedup.Commands Microsoft.ServerCore.SConfig Microsoft.Windows.Bcd.Cmdlets MMAgent MPIO MsDtc MSMQ MultiPoint MultiPointVdi NetAdapter NetConnection NetEventPacketCapture NetLbfo NetLldpAgent NetNat NetQos NetSecurity NetSwitchTeam NetTCPIP ...
PowerShell Copiar Add-DnsClientNrptRule [-GpoName <String>] [-DANameServers <String[]>] [-DAIPsecRequired] [-DAIPsecEncryptionType <String>] [-DAProxyServerName <String>] [-DnsSecEnable] [-DnsSecIPsecRequired] [-DnsSecIPsecEncryptionType <String>] [-NameServers <String[]>] [-Name...
Windows 11 and Windows Server 2025 PowerShell Dism DnsClient Commands Add-DnsClientDohServerAddress Add-DnsClientNrptRule Clear-DnsClientCache Get-DnsClient Get-DnsClientCache Get-DnsClientDohServerAddress Get-DnsClientGlobalSetting Get-DnsClientNrptGlobal ...
PowerShell Set-DnsClientNrptRule[-DAEnable <Boolean>] [-DAIPsecEncryptionType <String>] [-DAIPsecRequired <Boolean>] [-DANameServers <String[]>] [-DAProxyServerName <String>] [-DAProxyType <String>] [-Comment <String>] [-DnsSecEnable <Boolean>] [-DnsSecIPsecEncryptionType <String>] [...
QiZhen-CaMA-13B-Checkpoint-12400:赖特综合征的主要临床表现为急性或慢性关节炎、尿道炎、结膜炎及皮肤黏膜病变等。 赖特综合征是一种病因不明的慢性非特异性炎症性疾病,属于血清阴性脊柱关节炎的一种,其特征是反复发作性、游走性、不对称性的多关节炎,可伴有尿道炎、结膜炎、皮肤黏膜及眼部病变。
pt_shell> current_design {"ORCA"} # what Designs are loaded in memory ? pt_shell> get_designs * {"ORCA"} # Source File name of current_design pt_shell> list_designs Design Registry: *L ORCA /<path to>/orca_routed.v.gz: ORCA ...
Running system commands: PressMeta-!in Emacs mode or just!in Vi navigation mode to see the "Shell command" prompt. There you can enter system commands without leaving the REPL. Selecting text: PressControl+Spacein Emacs mode orV(major V) in Vi navigation mode. ...
--kill-busy-commands --busy-time只匹配Command = Query的连接,但某些慢SQL Command = Execute,此时可使用 --kill-busy-commands=Query,Execute --match-user="nice|dbuser01|dbuser02" 按照用户杀会话 --match-host="|" 按照会话连接的主机杀会话 ...