脚本的语法检查:使用ptprocheck my_script.tcl unix% pt_shell -f run.tcl | tee -i run'log # 或者在shell下 pt_shell> source run.tcl -echo -verbose pt_shell> redirect run.log {source run.tcl -echo -verbose} # 重定向命令结果: pt_shell>redirect -tee check_timing.rpt { check_timing r...
结构变更语句,不需要ALTER TABLE关键字。与原始ddl一样可以指定多个更改,用逗号分隔。 绝大部分情况下表上需要有主键或唯一索引,因为工具在运行当中为了保证新表也是最新的,需要旧表上创建 DELETE和UPDATE 触发器,同步到新表的时候有主键会更快。个别情况是,当alter操作就是在c1列上建立主键时,DELETE触发器将基于c1...
In addition, you can specify a file that contains your custom trigger function, written in Unix shell script. This can be a wrapper that executes anything you wish. If the argument to --function is a file, then it takes precedence over built-in functions, so if there is a file in the...
Microsoft.ReFsDedup.Commands Microsoft.ServerCore.SConfig Microsoft.Windows.Bcd.Cmdlets MMAgent MPIO MsDtc MSMQ MultiPoint MultiPointVdi NetAdapter NetConnection NetEventPacketCapture NetLbfo NetLldpAgent NetNat NetQos NetSecurity NetSwitchTeam NetTCPIP ...
PowerShell Copiar Add-DnsClientNrptRule [-GpoName <String>] [-DANameServers <String[]>] [-DAIPsecRequired] [-DAIPsecEncryptionType <String>] [-DAProxyServerName <String>] [-DnsSecEnable] [-DnsSecIPsecRequired] [-DnsSecIPsecEncryptionType <String>] [-NameServers <String[]>] [-Name...
PowerShell 复制 Remove-DnsClientNrptRule [-GpoName <String>] [-Name] <String> [-PassThru] [-Server <String>] [-Force] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-AsJob] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]...
PowerShell Set-DnsClientNrptRule[-DAEnable <Boolean>] [-DAIPsecEncryptionType <String>] [-DAIPsecRequired <Boolean>] [-DANameServers <String[]>] [-DAProxyServerName <String>] [-DAProxyType <String>] [-Comment <String>] [-DnsSecEnable <Boolean>] [-DnsSecIPsecEncryptionType <String>] [...
QiZhen-CaMA-13B-Checkpoint-12400:赖特综合征的主要临床表现为急性或慢性关节炎、尿道炎、结膜炎及皮肤黏膜病变等。 赖特综合征是一种病因不明的慢性非特异性炎症性疾病,属于血清阴性脊柱关节炎的一种,其特征是反复发作性、游走性、不对称性的多关节炎,可伴有尿道炎、结膜炎、皮肤黏膜及眼部病变。
Running system commands: PressMeta-!in Emacs mode or just!in Vi navigation mode to see the "Shell command" prompt. There you can enter system commands without leaving the REPL. Selecting text: PressControl+Spacein Emacs mode orV(major V) in Vi navigation mode. ...
When you’re coding, you spend a lot of time with your REPL’s prompt and cursor. The prompt is the indicator character that appears in the shell to demonstrate that the shell is ready to accept your input. It’s where you type your Python code and shell commands. ...