以下是一个基于pt-online-schema-change工具实现的自动化分区Shell脚本,包含主键调整、唯一索引处理和分区维护功能: #!/bin/bash # MySQL Auto Partition Tool with pt-online-schema-change # 使用方法:./auto_partition.sh [配置文件名] # 读取配置文件 CONFIG_FILE=${1:-mysql_partition.conf} source "$CONF...
脚本的语法检查:使用ptprocheck my_script.tcl unix% pt_shell -f run.tcl | tee -i run'log # 或者在shell下 pt_shell> source run.tcl -echo -verbose pt_shell> redirect run.log {source run.tcl -echo -verbose} # 重定向命令结果: pt_shell>redirect -tee check_timing.rpt { check_timing r...
Core–shell particles with earth-abundant cores represent an effective design strategy for improving the performance of noble metal catalysts, while simultaneously reducing the content of expensive noble metals1–4. However, the structural and catalytic
使用putty或Xshell等工具SSH到群晖,具体方式的话就不展开介绍了,这里默认大家都会这一步操作了 sudo -i给自己root权限后输入以下命令安装hlink: npm install -g hlink 出现下方提示时即表示已安装成功 硬链接命令介绍 基本命令 hlink "源路径" "目标路径" ...
3.1安装方法很简单,首先安装好Python和IronPython等环境,并把环境变量添加到系统路径; 3.2然后安装独立版的VS2013 Shell,即vs_isoshell.exe 3.3安装集成版本的VS2013 Shell,即vs_intshelladditional.exe 3.4最后就是安装PTVS2.2了,打开visual studio开始享用吧!
shell 1 运行 BCC 代码 ./get-stack-arg.py shell 2 使用 inotify-tools 验证 [root@rmed ~]# inotifywait -m ./ shell 3 做如下的操作 [root@rmed ~]# mv testFileA testFileB shell 1 如下输出 shell 1 output shell 2 如下输出 shell 2 output ...
Coconut Shell Charcoal Briquette is one of our best quality products, beside other charcoal offered. These healthy and cost-saving charcoal briquettes are exported to many countries all over the world, most to Europe, Asia then Africa