Website: PT Perusahaan Pelayaran Samudera Trikora Lloyd Address: 60165, Surabaya, Indonesia City: Surabaya Country: Indonesia Fax: +62 (31) 329-5571 Phone: +62 (31) 329-1020 If you represent PT Perusahaan Pelayaran Samudera Trikora Lloyd and would like to update this information then use thi...
The company cultivates seaweed in many farming spots throughout Indonesia. Besides the local market, the company also exports the products to The Philippines, Malaysia, China, South America, Denmark, and Spain. The headquarters is in West Jakarta, and the warehouses are in Surabaya and South ...
PT Samudera Lautan Abadiwas established in 2015. the business founded in Jakarta, Indonesia. We built from the ground up cater specifically for all industries which requires profesional one stop logistics or customized supply chain solution to local companies or companies around the world, • We p...
PT.SamuderaShippingServices(“SSS”),acompanyregisteredinIndonesia,wasestablishedin2000,and isasubsidiaryofForemost.Inearly2003,businessofPT.TankindoPerdanaandPT.Cumawis,bothsubsidiaries ofPT.SamuderaIndonesiaTbk.,wasintegratedintoSSS. ForemostandSSSprovideindustrialshippingforliquid,gasanddrybulkcargoesaswellasmari...