This illustration does not attempt to cover the disclosure requirements of specialised entities such as finance companies, banks, other financial institutions or government entities nor does it cover the specific reporting obligations of entities other than corporations. PT Indonesia Tbk 2023 is an ...
Pool Advista Indonesia's stock have been suspended from trading since June 10, 2020 Source:Source 1 April 22, 2020 Pool Advista Finance will hold annual shareholders meeting on June 5, 2020 Source:Source 1 March 12, 2020 Pool Advista Indonesia converts series II warrants into 100 shares on...
Finance Indonesia (IMFI) PT CSM Corporatama (CSM) PT Indomobil Edukasi Utama (IEU) PT Indomobil Ekspres Truk (IET) PT NFSI Financial Services (NFSI) (b,c) (dahulu/formerly PT Nissan Financial Services Indonesia) Melalui CSM/Through CSM PT Indomobil Bintan Corpora (IBC) PT Wahana Indo Tr...
(8,327) 71,101 Finance costs (LOSS)/PROFIT BEFORE INCOME TAX Manfaat/(beban) pajak penghasilan 2.13, 14c 451 (19,242) Income tax benefit/(expense) (RUGI)/LABA PERIODE BERJALAN (7,024) 51,859 (LOSS)/PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD RUGI KOMPREHENSIF LAIN Pos yang tidak akan direklasifikas...
exchange - net Finance income Finance costs Share in net profit of associates and joint venture Other expenses - net 3.007.238 PROFIT BEFORE INCOME TAX Catatan atas laporan keuangan konsolidasian terlampir merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan konso...
(EXPENSES)/INCOME Share of loss of associates and joint venture Finance income Finance costs Other income, net (Beban)/penghasilan lain-lain, bersih LABA SEBELUM PAJAK PENGHASILAN (324,659,258) 910,639,156 (1,003,100,205) 934,030,926 Other (expenses)/income, net PROFIT BEFORE INCOME TAX ...
(26.474.995.210) 2,11 1.306.115.816 Finance income Finance expense Equity in net income of associates - net 798.553.767.066 2,18 ( INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAX INCOME TAX EXPENSE - NET 669.490.522.231 PROFIT FOR THE PERIODS - OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 669.490.522.231 TOTAL ...
The expenditures, including the borrowing cost, to finance the development and construction of the projects are capitalized as part of the cost of the construction in progress. Upon substantial completion of the projects and when the assets are ready for their intended use, the accumulated costs ...
Umum a. General Perusahaan Perseroan (Persero) PT Aneka Tambang Tbk ("Perusahaan") didirikan dengan nama "Perusahaan Negara (PN) Aneka Tambang" di Republik Indonesia pada tanggal 5 Juli 1968 berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 22 tahun 1968. Pendirian tersebut diumumkan dalam Tambahan No. 36,...
ERP can be use for manufactureor service company to integrate and automated bussiness process that related withsales, purchase, production, inventory, finance, and accounting. ERP is said havebenefit for the company if appropriate with the company necessity by consideringseveral aspects, like bussiness...