格隆汇1月2日丨东方铁塔(002545.SZ)公布,近日,公司全资子公司老挝开元矿业有限公司(“老挝开元”)中标了印尼PT Pupuk Indonesia(Persero) 2020年上半年度钾肥采购项目,并收到了正式中标通知书,中标金额约2915万美元。 招标方PT Pupuk Indonesia(Persero)是印度尼西亚一家国有企业,主要从事化肥、石化和农药、蒸汽和电...
格隆汇1月1日丨东方铁塔(002545.SZ)公告,近日,公司全资子公司老挝开元矿业有限公司(以下简称“老挝开元”)中标了印尼PT PupukIndonesia(Persero)2020年上半年度钾肥采购项目,并收到了正式中标通知书。 招标方PT Pupuk Indonesia(Persero)是印度尼西亚一家国有企业,主要从事化肥、石化和农药、蒸汽和电力、运输和配送、...
Apple 商店 Mac iPad iPhone Watch AirPods 家居 娱乐 配件 技术支持 0+App Store Preview PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero)iPad & iPhone PI Smart Productivity Copyright © 2025 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Internet Service Terms App Store & Privacy Cookie Warning Support ...
INDONESIAASSET managementTIME managementCOMPUTER softwareDATA analysisThis research aims to determine the extent to which time management can run effectively at PT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero)., achieved after the management implements the good delegation of authority to ma...
JAKARTA, Indonesia,Dec. 12, 2018/PRNewswire/ --PT Rekayasa Industri (Rekind), a subsidiary ofPT Pupuk Indonesia (Persero)which provides EPCC (Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Commission) services, is again entrusted with the task of accomplishing the state's order through PT Pertamina (Pers...
Pupuk Kaltim adalah Produsen Pupuk Urea terbesar di Indonesia, Hadir Dalam Semangat Pionir, Kuat Ditempa Tantangan, dan Maju dengan Karya Bermutu.
In the corporate world, he has served in a number of important positions including as President Commissioner of PT Socfin Indonesia (2005-2007), President Commissioner of PT Pupuk Sriwijaya (2004-2008) and Commissioner of PT Indo FarmaTbk (2002). Since 2008 he has been serving as Commissioner...
PT. Pindad (Persero) is a state-owned company engaged in the manufacture of military and commercial products in Indonesia. PT. Pindad producing military products such as assault rifles, pistols and others. As for non-military products such as brake prods water production line, railroad equipment...
Jambaran Tiung Biru Unitization Gas Project - PT. Energy Management Indonesia (EMI) End User :PT. Energy Management Indonesia (Persero) / Pertamina EP Cepu Equipment Name :Water Condensate Air Cooler (580-E9111) Material :Header : SA240-304, Tube: SA213-304 ...
PENGARUH KOMPENSASI, MOTIVASI KERJA DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (Studi pada PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia III Persero Cabang Tanjung Perak Surabaya) Menganalisis pengaruh kepercayaan pada atasan, kepuasan kerja dan komitmen organisasi secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja pegawai Pemerintah Kabu...