PT. MCA LOGISTIK INDONESIA (or also known as MCA), is an International Freight Forwarding and Shipping Company based in Jakarta, Indonesia. Our main businesses expand in the area of NVOCC, Consolidator, Custom Brokerage, Warehouse Services and Logistics....
Pt. Eurotrans Logistik Indonesia公司的提单样本 提单号 MAEU247676459 到港日: 2025-02-03 产品 运输 公司 集装箱号: MRKU3726536 × 货物#1 描述17 CASES = 766 PCS OF CAST ACR YLIC SHEETS AS PER PROFORMA I NVOICE NO : MC-34/2/PI-316/24 HS CODE : 3920.51 PO NO. : 77285 N.W :...
PT. PENASCOP LOGISTIK TRANSNIAGAAriobimo Sentral Building 11th Floor , JL. HR. Rasuna Said Block X-2 Kav-5, Jakarta, Indonesia, 12950Freight Forwarders in Indonesia Send Message View Profile Free Freightnet Membership List your company in the Freightnet directory. It's Free, it's Easy ...
PT. Seferalindo Logistik - PT. Seferalindo Logistik established since 2003 specialize in importing Merchandise and Forwarder and in 2010 we are expanding the market specializing in Coal, dried seaweed, Alginate and Zeolite trading to meet the local marke
This method is used to analyze the effect of career development, financial compensation and employee status on the performance of PT Semen Indonesia Logistik employees. Based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis, it can be concluded as follows: First, compensation has ...
77 Penyewaan kendaraan/Car Rental Penyewaan kendaraan/Car Rental Penyewaan kendaraan/Car Rental Jasa Tenaga Kerja/Manpower Service Transportasi/Transportation Logistik/Logistic Penjualan bahan bakar/Gas station Pos Universal/Universal Post Pabrikasi/Manufacturing Dealer/Dealership Dealer/Dealership Penyalur/...
GLA New Membership- PT. KARISMA SEJAHTERA LOGISTIK in Indonesia Time:2019-04-09 Publisher:Foranting Num:8101 Dear GLA Membership Good day to you! It is our honor to announce thatPT. KARISMA SEJAHTERA LOGISTIKjoin GLA family asIndonesiamembership from 2019-2020. If you need any service from/to...
Pt. Tui Logistik Indonesia公司的提单样本 提单号HDMUJKTM87680700 到港日:2025-02-21 产品 运输 公司 集装箱号:HMMU9025490 × 货物#1 描述SHIPPER LOAD AND COUNT WOMEN KNIT SKIRT 关键词load count women knit skirt海关编码数据不可用件数863
PENGARUH QUALITY CONTROL DAN LEAD TIME TERHADAP AKTIVITAS INBOUND LOGISTIK PADA PT. SYNGENTA INDONESIA GP SITEdoi:10.46799/jst.v3i4.548The Quality Control Division plays an important role in Inbound and production activities by ensuring that incoming goods are received in the form ...