ServiceObligation(PSO)mandate Repeatmarketissuer,intotalofUS$7.25billion Ministryof StateOwned Enterprises Ministryof Finance Ministryof EnergyandMineral Resources Oversightand Regulation OverviewofPertamina 3 BusinessOverview Drilling Services Pertaminaisengagedinabroadspectrumofupstreamanddownstreamoil,gas,geothermal...
PT Elnusa Tbk (ELSA) is energy service solution company in upstream oil and gas services, energy distribution and logistics services, and supporting services. It was established in 1969 under the name PT Nusantara Electronics. Initially, the company was to support operations of PT Pertamina (parent...
Pertamina EP East Java Gas Development Project (PPGJ) faced a challenge when drilling into the relatively low-pressure carbonate reservoir in Kedungtuban field. One of the major difficulties during the well construction was pinpointing the casing point at the boundary between the relatively high pore...
such as Advanced Geothermal Systems (AGS), Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS), ultra-deep geothermal, and plasma drilling. AGS, which is being developed by companies such as Eavor, utilizes a closed-loop system, making it suitable for locations without sufficient naturally occurring...