but SD Express hasn’t gotten much traction since — until recently. Which is somewhat sad — the speed gains are enormous. But speed is not what got our attention — the way it’s achieved is. It appears that the “express” bit in the name stands for “PCI Express”, and when we...
Electrochemical measurements in this work were carried out using an Autolab PGSTAT204. The reported current densities are based on the geometric surface area of 5 cm2 for the anode. Data in this work are all without IR compensation. After 30 min of testing (unless otherwise stated, all ...
She enjoys her research and mentoring role that she did a Walk Across Kansas with her son to raise money to purchase unique equipment for an idea she had to assess brain health after stroke. Five years later, she and her lab team were the first in the world to publish on this ...
Electrochemical measurements in this work were carried out using an Autolab PGSTAT204. The reported current densities are based on the geometric surface area of 5 cm2 for the anode. Data in this work are all without IR compensation. After 30 min of testing (unless otherwise stated, all ...
To keep them safe, the therapist stands in front of or behind them. Some people need to improve a joint's range of motion or muscle strength before they start ambulation exercises. Some people need an orthotic device such as a brace. Did You Know... For people who have difficulty ...
Over the years, Tekbox became a trusted brand for EMC pre-compliance solutions Go To PageWatch Video × With Moku:Lab, you gain access to 12 powerful scientific instruments plus all those we haven’t thought of yet Go To PageWatch Video ...
A leader in materials testing solutions We deliver assurance and confidence through our services. Find out more Our Clients ABOUT US PT Hi-TestLab has 20 years of experience providing assurance and testing solutions, working with major brands globally. 1
RTD stands for Resistance Temperature Detector PT100 thermometers are a specific subset of PRTs; the nominal resistance at zero is 100 ohms Fluke Calibration 5627A Precision Thermometer, RTD Temperature Probe Benefits to calibrating temperature probes in-house Save Money. In-house calibration, or int...
Motionlab Motivosität Move Work Forward with Jira MSPbots MssgPort Multi Approval Process LTAPPs MultiShare Wandmalerei Meine AskAI Mein Helpdesk My Reminders MyCheckins MyCompliance MyConnect Myfone MyHub MyHub für AOS-UG MyHub für AOS-US myRH4ALL Natterhub nBold NE Nebry UC Nektar...
FTIR test was carried out in H2-saturated 0.1 M KOH solution and the background spectra were acquired at 0 V prior to each system measurement, and thus the negative peak accounts for the emergence or the increased amount of the chemicals while the positive one stands for the decrease....