Local mean normal PTAPTT ratiomean normal APTTautomated coagulation analyzercomparabilityThe prothrombin time (PT), International normalized ratio (INR) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) are the most used coagulation tests in China, where more than one type of automated coagulation ...
Results observation group of patients with PT,PTR,INR were significantly higher than that of control group,24 h after surgery in patients with massive hemorrhage of PT,PTR,INR patients were significantly higher than 24 h normal postoperative bleeding,the differences were statistically significant(P <...
the normal ranges also will fluctuate. To standardize results across different laboratories in the U.S. and the world, a World Health Organization (WHO) committee developed and recommended the use of theInternationalized Normalized Ratio (INR), calculated based on the PT test result, for people ...
All patient plasmas (normal and "stable" coumarin plasmas) were measured on STA analysers at 3 different sites. Results, Calibration by manufacturer: Good agreement (slopes between 0.98 and 1.05) only between Hepato Quick and Neoplastin Plus. Calibration by AK Calibrant: Good agreement only ...
Methods Prothrombin time(PT),international normalized ratio(INR),activated partial thromboplastin time(APTT) and fibrinogen(FIB) concentration of 56 patients in AP group and normal control(NC) group were detected by full automatic blood coagulation analyzer. 方法用全自动血凝分析仪,检测AP组和正常对照...
(normal, reference PT range 10–13 s), Level 2 (high, reference PT range 15–20 s), and Level 3 (high, reference PT range 22–28 s). LSR was conducted on all samples and experiments were conducted in triplicate. The results, provided in Table1, show that for all the three...
The test tells you how many seconds it took your blood to form a clot. What’s normal varies with different labs, so check with your doctor to help you understand what your numbers mean. You may get the results in just a few hours, but some labs could take several days. If your doc...
Methods The APTT and PTof the coagulation control plasma and freshsamples were measured by STAGO Comapct and SYSMEX CA550 automated blood coagulation analyzers and supporting reagents.Results In2 verified project, the coefficient of variation of normal and abnormal coagulation control plasma was below ...
摘 要:目的:探讨脑梗塞(CI)患者血液凝血状态的改变和凝血指标检测的临床意义。方法:使用美国欧家农四通道血凝仪检测118例脑梗塞患者和30例健康者的凝血指标:血浆凝血酶原时间(PT),活化部分凝血活酶时间(APTT)和纤维蛋白原(FIB),并计算其国际标准化比率(INR),其中35例患者服药前、后还分别进行了凝血指标的对比...
supportingreagents.ResultsIn2verifiedproject,thecoefficientofvariationofnormal andabnormalcoagulationcontrolplasmawasbelow3%.Thecomparativeresultsof freshsampleswhichwereanalyzedbypaired-sampleTtestbySPSSstatistical toolshowedthattherewerestatisticaldifferencesbetweenSTAGOComapctand ...