As an Associate Partner in EY Indonesia Consulting Services, Robby has over 16 years of business management and professional co...
Partner, Risk Transformation Consulting, PT Ernst & Young Indonesia Passionate to build agile organizations through risk transformation. Send e-mail to Bangkit Kuncoro Open LinkedIn profile of Bangkit Kuncoro Areas of focus Risk Consulting Office Jakarta, Indonesia Bangkit has been leading projects...
He started his career as an auditor at Ernst & Young, London (1990-1994) and qualified as a Chartered Accountant from the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England & Wales in 1993. In 1994- 1995, he joined UMBC Securities, Kuala Lumpur as an Investment Analyst, and a year later he ...
(99%)Auditors: Ernst & YoungTicker Symbol: BMRI (Jakarta Stock Exchange)Status: Public CompanyPrincipal Shareholders: Negara RI (85%)Date of Establishment: 1998Financial Information: Consolidated gures31.12.04Rp’00031.12.05Rp’000Pro tbeforetaxPro taftertaxEarningsper shareShare capitalShareholders’...
Ernst & Young Malaysia acted as the mergers and acquisitions adviser for the transaction. In a statement today, ZUS Coffee said the new partnership and investment herald a new chapter and serve as a springboard for the company's growth. The brand, which operates 600 stores regionally, ...
with a particular focus on local currency as investors sought to take advantage of further US dollar weakness. There were notable new client mandates in the equity theme, driven by the Group's local operations in Saudi Arabia and Indonesia, and further commitments to alternatives products in Latin...
EY-Parthenon Partner, Strategy and Transactions, PT Ernst & Young Indonesia Professional financial advisor experience in public and private sectors within diverse industries. Enjoys golf, badminton, and traveling. A culinary enthusiast. Send e-mail to Ripa Yustisiadi Open LinkedIn profile of Ripa Yu...
International organizations also play a role in data gathering and analysis. In recent years, several organizations have studied digital-commerce platforms and how their impact differs on male and female entrepreneurs, with mixed results. In Indonesia, a United Nations study found that 54% of women...
EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients.Welcome...