Bintang Surya Sejati Sukses - Indonesia’s largest manufacturer of narrow fabrics, serving a wide range of industries including apparel, footwear, orthopedic, industrial, automotive, military, and electrical sectors.
BINTANG SURYA SEJATI SUKSES PT is an international trader, it's from Indonesia and belongs to Processing Machinery etc. industries. (该公司是一家国际贸易商,来自印度尼西亚,主营业务包括:加工机械等行业。)基本信息 Enterprise Information (企业资料): Company Name (公司名称): BINTANG SURYA SEJATI ...
CSISPT. Cahayasakti Investindo Sukses Tbk 73 +5 (+7,00%) 0 7.300 95.411 KOTAPT. DMS Propertindo Tbk 8 +1 (+14,00%) -1 -11 84.368 RBMSPT. Ristia Bintang Mahkotasejati Tbk 31 2 (6,45%) -4 -9 82.343 ASPIPT. Andalan Sakti Primaindo Tbk ...